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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference Library > Distribution > Expert Configurator > Key Concepts and Procedures > Configuration Codes

Configuration Codes

<p> A configuration code is a 50-character identifier for configured items.&nbsp; It allows you to see quickly and easily which options are used in a configured part.&nbsp; These codes take advantage of the system&#39;s lot control capabilities to allow you to cost, view, manufacture, and sell inventory based on the part/configuration code combination.</p> <p> A more detailed description of the configuration code may be provided using an expanded configuration code.&nbsp; The expanded configuration code can be used in the following two ways:&nbsp; to describe the short configuration code in more detail or to allow more options to be added to the configuration code.&nbsp; The expanded configuration code is optional and will be generated automatically, in the same manner as the 50-character configuration code.&nbsp; Up to 999 additional characters may be used in the expanded description.&nbsp; The 50-character code will continue to uniquely identify the configuration, with the expanded code serving as a more detailed description.&nbsp; The expanded code will be visible on a window wherever the configuration code is prompted.</p>
