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Labor Requirements Update - Online - Calculations
Labor Requirements Update - Online - Calculations
A. Housekeeping
1. Work fields are defined and initialized.
2. A parameter for Update Type (UPDTYP) is passed to the program by the CL program(s). This determines which of the two function select screens, Time Recording Function Select (SF120S01) or Material Recording Function Select (IC120S08), is displayed to the user.
3. The following information is retrieved from the System Control file (CT100M).
a. The Company Name Record (COMNAM) is retrieved. If the record is not found, a warning message is sent to the system operator and processing continues.
b. The Lot Control Option (LOTOPT) is retrieved from the Inventory Control Record (ICCTL1). If the record is not found, a message is sent to the system operator and the program aborts.
c. The Balance Types (BTYPES) are retrieved from the Inventory Control Record (ICCTL2). If the record is not found, a message is sent to the system operator and the program aborts. Otherwise, the Balance Types are set up in an array.
d. The default or fast path plant is validated.
e. The From-To Times Option (SFFTTO), Number of Shifts (SFSHFT), and Automatic Move-Receive Option (SFMVRC) are retrieved. WDNOSF (Number of Shifts) and WDAUTO (Automatic Move-Receive option) are now found on IC170ML2.
4. The following information is retrieved from the Reference file (REFERP).
a. The date format is retrieved from category 049. If this record is not found, a message is sent to the system operator, the date format defaults to MMDDYY, and processing continues.
b. The number of decimal positions for order quantities is retrieved from category 446. If the record is not found, a message is sent to the system operator and the program aborts.
c. The applications installed are retrieved from category 012. If the record is not found, a message is sent to the system operator and the program aborts.
d. User authorization to plants is retrieved from category 409.
e. The workstation default plant is retrieved from category 428.
f. The default Auto Close M.O. flag is retrieved from Reference File category 436.
g. The value in the Assign Lots option is retrieved from Reference File category Y34, Lot System Defaults. If the value is Y, lots may be assigned automatically. If the value is N, lots may not be assigned automatically.
h. The plant validation subroutine is called to validate the default or Fastpath plant.
i. The accounting grace period flag is retrieved from category 456 if IA is installed. If this record is not found, a message is sent to the system operator and processing continues using a default value of N for grace period flag.
j. The scrap codes are retrieved from category 457 and loaded into array SCC. This array will be used for validation of scrap codes.
k. The indirect hours codes are retrieved from category 458 and loaded into array IHC. This array will be used for validation of indirect hours codes.
l. Reference File category N37 is read to determine the message queue assignment for the manufacturing monitor (monitors).
5. Default plant is moved to plant field and field is validated by executing VALPLT (in Housekeeping).
B. Mainline
1. Either the Time Recording Function Select Screen (SF120S01) or the Material Recording Function Select Screen (SF120S08) is displayed, dependent upon the value of the input parameter (UPDTYP). Each screen has 6 options to choose from; all except indirect hours (machine or labor) cause the update of the Labor Requirements file (IC125M). All except the scrapped option are processed by SF120E, which displays and validates appropriate detail screen. If the scrapped option is selected, the program calls CF235E to display the appropriate screens and process the transaction after the transaction is complete, control is returned to SF120E.
a. The Material Recording Function Select Screen options are:
(1) Received
(2) Quantity Completed
(3) Scrapped
(4) Moved
(5) Range of Rework
(6) Shipped
b. The Time Recording Function Select Screen options are:
(1) Direct Labor Hours
(2) Labor Setup Hours
(3) Indirect Labor Hours
(4) Direct Machine Hours
(5) Machine Setup Hours
(6) Indirect Machine Hours
2. Each detail screen is validated. See the Shop Floor Control User Manual for detailed validation rules.
3. Once a valid transaction has been entered, the master file records are read for update, or application locking records are written to prevent updates by other applications.
a. Indirect labor/machine hours are reported on audit trails with plant, company, and warehouse.
b. For each transaction an all nines record is written to the Component Requirements ASYNC Transaction file (IC100AP2) for the manufacturing order.
c. The Labor Requirements Record on the update version of the Labor Requirements file is read for each transaction.
d. If the Automatic Move-Receive Option (WDAUTO) on the Warehouse Description Logical (IC170ML2) has been selected, quantity complete transactions cause the update version of the Labor Requirements File record to be read for the next operation in the order.
4. If there were no errors in reading the files for update, the necessary calculations are performed on the relevant hours and/or quantity fields. The master file(s) is/are updated, and the all nines record on the Component Requirement ASYNC Transaction file (IC100AP2) is deleted. This releases the application lock of the Manufacturing Order Record.
5. If an M.O. receipt and (possibly) a component issue transaction have been entered, a message is sent to the asynchronous message queue; transaction(s) is/are written to the two asynchronous transaction files, IC210AP and IC130DP. These transactions are handled by the M.O. Receipts and Component Issues program (IC130E).
a. On an M.O. receipt, the order may be automatically closed provided the following criteria are met:
1. The transaction cannot be a reversal transaction.
2. The total amount received must be greater than the tolerance percentage specified on Reference File category D90.
6. Report records are written to the audit trail and transaction register files for each update. If the operation is a crew operation, only the Quantity Completed recorded by the crew reporter is posted to the Labor Requirements file. Quantity Completed, when recorded by other crew members, is accepted but only posted to the Transaction Register file. In addition, matching transaction error records are written to the Shop Floor Transaction Errors file (SF505AP) for operation-to-operation reconciliation problems, and/or for transactions recorded against closed operations.
7. For the Range of Rework transaction some additional logic is involved. Rather than reporting against a specific operation, the user inputs a range of rework. This represents a series of consecutive operations through which the specified quantity is to be reworked. The program first updates the last operation affected by the transaction. Then it works backwards through the supplied range until all operations within that range have been updated. If at any point within this range an error is encountered (a missing operation, or an overflow/reversal error), the program returns to the last operation updated, and corrects the Available Quantity to keep the order in balance. The user receives an INCOMPLETE error message at the terminal, and an error transaction is written to the Shop Floor Transaction Errors file (SF505AP). The code on this error identifies the precise point at which the error occurred within the range of rework, allowing manual correction.