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Labor Requirements Update - Electronic Data Collection - Purpose >
Labor Requirements Update - Electronic Data Collection - Calculations
Labor Requirements Update - Electronic Data Collection - Calculations
A. Housekeeping
1. Work fields are defined and initialized.
2. The following data is retrieved from the System Control file (CT100M).
a. The Company Name Record (COMNAM) is retrieved. If the record is not found, a message is sent to the system operator and processing continues.
b. The From-To Time Option (SFFTTO), the Number of Shifts (SFSHFT), and the Automatic Move-Receive Option (SFMVRC) are retrieved from the Shop Floor Control Record (SFCTL1). If the record is not found, a message is sent to the system operator, and processing is terminated.
3. The following data is retrieved from the Reference file (REFERP).
a. The date format is retrieved from category 049. If this record is not found, a message is sent to the system operator, the date format defaults to MMDDYY, and processing continues.
b. The scrap codes are retrieved from category 457 and loaded into array SCC. This array will be used for validation of scrap codes.
c. The Indirect Hours Codes are retrieved from category 458 and loaded into array IHC. This array will be used for validation of indirect hours codes.
d. The number of decimal positions for the order quantities is retrieved from category 446 - Quantity Field Sizes. If the category is not found, the program aborts.
e. The applications installed are retrieved from category 012. If the category is not found, a message is sent to the system operator and the program aborts.
f. The accounting grace period days are retrieved from category 456 if IA is installed. If the category is not found, a message is sent to the system operator and processing continues.
g. Reference File category N37 is read to determine the message queue assignment for the manufacturing monitor (monitors).
B. Mainline
1. The transaction file is chained using Date Entered, Time Entered, and Asynchronous Sequence Number as key fields. For each transaction read, a record is output to the transaction register.
2. If the transaction type is invalid, no further processing occurs and the program terminates. However, if the transaction type is valid, and not indirect labor or machine hours, validation takes place.
a. If the transaction is either 'scrapped' or 'to be reworked' there is separate validation and update logic (See C. Off-line Validation Rules).
b. For all other transactions, validation of each input field is performed. See the Shop Floor Control User Manual screen section, for validation rules.
3. Any validation errors are written to the Shop Floor Transaction Register Error file (SF50SAP). The EDC Labor Requirements Update Transaction File error flag (DPERR) is set to Y so the transaction can be reviewed and corrected online at a later time.
4. When a valid transaction is obtained, the Labor Requirements file is read for update (this processing thus also checks for the existence of the Labor Requirements Record). A successful read causes the necessary calculations to be performed, using the fields from the Labor Requirements file.
5. The Labor Requirements Record is updated for every valid transaction processed, and the transaction is deleted from the EDC Labor Requirements Update Transaction file.
6. If an operation is a crew operation, only the Quantity Completed recorded by the crew reporter is posted to the Labor Requirements file. Quantity Completed, when recorded by other crew members, is accepted but only posted to the Transaction Register file. When a valid completed quantity transaction is used to update the Labor Requirements file, the program checks for reconciliation errors due to imbalances between consecutive operations in an order. Reconciliation errors are reported on the transaction register as warning messages.
a. Reconciliation errors are detected when the Quantity Completed plus Quantity Scrapped (on the operation reported against) is greater than Quantity Completed (on the previous operation).
7. The transaction codes that are processed by this program are defined as follows:
L10 - Quantity Complete
L15 - Machine Setup Hours
L45 - Direct Machine Hours
L55 - Labor Setup Hours
L60 - Direct Labor Hours
L65 - Quantity Shipped
L70 - Quantity Received
L75 - Quantity Moved
L80 - Indirect Labor Hours
L85 - Range of Rework
L90 - Quantity Scrapped
L95 - Indirect Machine Hours
C. Off-line Validation Rules
1. For both 'scrapped' and 'range of rework' transactions, the Labor Requirements Record being reported against is updated immediately when the transaction is valid.
a. Scrapped Transactions
Scrapped transactions access the MRP Scrap Recording program (CF235E). The Recording Option field on SF127DP allows transactions to be entered against parent or component parts. For both options, the Total Scrap Quantity on the Component Requirements file (IC120M) is updated for consumed components.
Parent scrap transactions also update the Scrapped Quantity on the operation being reported against. The Cumulative Quantity Scrapped for each subsequent operation in the order is also incremented. In addition, the Cumulative Scrap for the whole order, on the Manufacturing Order file (IC100M), is updated.
The expected scrap quantity for the parent part is calculated from the Inventory Control Scrap Factor on the Part Master Record. If this calculated value has been exceeded as a result of the transaction, the net change flag is updated on the Part Master file (DE100M). This causes the parent part to be reanalyzed by the Requirements Planning module (if installed).
b. Range of Rework
Rather than reporting against a specific operation, the user inputs a 'range' of rework. This represents a series of consecutive operations through which the specified quantity is to be reworked. The program first updates the last operation affected by the transaction. Then it works backwards through the supplied range until all operations within that range have been updated. If at any point within this range an error is encountered (a missing operation, or an overflow/reversal error) the program returns to the last operation updated and corrects the available quantity to keep the order in balance. An INCOMPLETE TRANSACTION warning and a critical error for the specific error are written to the Shop Floor Transaction Errors file (SF505AP). The code on this error identifies the precise point at which the error occurred within the range of rework, allowing manual correction.