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Requirements Review - Purpose >
Requirements Review - Calculations
Requirements Review - Calculations
A. Housekeeping
1. The following information is retrieved from the System Control file (CT100M):
a. The Company Name is obtained from the Company Name Record (COMNAM). If the record is not found, a warning message is sent to the system operator and processing continues.
b. The Inventory Control Record (ICCTL1) is retrieved to obtain the lot control and potency control (LOTOPT, POTOPT) in order to determine if the system is in a potency controlled environment (both LOTOPT and POTOPT = Y). If the record is not found, the system is assumed to not be in a potency controlled environment, a message is sent to the system operator, and processing continues.
c. The Inventory Control Control Record (ICCTL2) is retrieved to obtain the available-for-manufacturing warehouse balance type flags (MOPAC2, MOPAC3, MOPAC4) and the available-for-distribution balance type flags (DSTAC2, DSTAC3, DSTAC4). If the record is not found, a message is sent to the system operator and processing continues.
2. The following information is retrieved from the Reference file (REFERP):
a. The Date Format (category 049) is retrieved. If the record is not found, a default value of MMDDYY is used, a message is sent to the system operator, and processing continues.
b. The Order Policy Codes (category 404) are retrieved and placed in an array to allow lookup and decoding of the order policy codes and their descriptions. If the record is not found, a message is sent to the system operator and processing continues.
c. The Part Type Codes (category 405) are retrieved and placed in an array to allow lookup and decoding of the part type codes and their descriptions. If the record is not found, a message is sent to the system operator and processing continues.
d. The Order Type Codes (category 401) are retrieved and placed in an array to allow lookup and decoding of the order type codes and their descriptions. If this record is not found, a message is sent to the system operator and processing continues.
3. A check is made to determine whether a valid Part Number was passed to this program from another program. If so, the display select screen indicator is set so that the Requirements Review Function Select screen (RP800S01) does not appear.
4. The Plant Logical file (IC170ML2) is retrieved for the Manufacturing Company and Warehouse. If the record is not found, an error message is displayed on the screen.
5. The Requirements Planning Request file (RP110AP) is retrieved to obtain the Order Action Planning Factor (CZPLHF) and the JIT horizon date (CZJTPD). If the record is not found, a default value of 0 is assumed (all detail will be shown), a message is sent to the system operator, and processing continues.
B. Function Select
1. If a Part Number has not been passed to this program, the Requirements Review Function Select screen is displayed with a blank Part Number field, a blank date, a request code defaulted to ‘1’ (pegged detail) and an RP run defaulted to ‘A’ (actual).
2. After a Part Number, the request code, RP run mode, and optionally the date has been entered, they are validated. See the Requirements Planning User Manual, Screens section, for validation rules.
3. If an invalid Part Number, horizon date, RP run mode, or request code has been entered, the Requirements Review Function Select screen is displayed with the invalid field highlighted.
4. Once a valid Part Number, date, RP run mode, and request code has been entered, processing continues and the Requirements Review Detail screen is displayed.
C. Detail
1. During part validation, descriptive part information for the heading of the Requirements Review Detail screen (RP800S02) is retrieved from the Part Master file (DE100M).
a. Lead Time Days (CZTLTD) for the part is determined according to the part’s Leadtime Code. For an part with fixed leadtime (F), the Fixed Leadtime Days (MLTPU) is displayed. For an part with variable leadtime (V), VAR is displayed.
b. The Planning Balance (QTYAVL) for the part is calculated as follows, if the part is not potency controlled:
(1) The Planning Balance is set to the first Balance Type Quantity (WBBLT1).
(2) The flags for the remaining available-for-manufacturing balance types (MOPAC2, MOPAC3, MOPAC4) from the Inventory Control Control Record (ICCTL2) of the System Control file are checked.
(3) If a flag is set to Y, the corresponding Balance Type Quantity (WBBLT 2, WBBLT 3, WBBLT 4) from the Warehouse Balance file (IC140M) is added to the Planning Balance.
(4) The Work-in-Process Balance Quantity (WBWIPB) is added to the Planning Balance.
(5) For the manufacturing warehouse, if any balance types are available for both planning and distribution (both Order Planning Flag and Distribution Flag = Y on the balance type), and sales orders are not considered for planning (the Sales Order Planning Flag on the Warehouse Description file is N), then the inventory quantity reserved for customer orders is subtracted from the total.
(6) For every distribution warehouse associated with the plant, the Warehouse Description file is read to determine if balances at the warehouse are available for planning (WDAVPL = Y). If so, any distribution balance at the warehouse is added to the total.
(7) If the warehouse balance information for the part cannot be retrieved, or if the Inventory Control Control Record (ICCTL2) is not found, the Planning Balance is set to zero.
(8) The Planning Balance is then used to initialize the Projected Inventory/Available-to-Promise (PRJINV) field for the part.
c. The planning balance (QTYAVL) for the part is calculated as follows, if the part is potency controlled:
(1) The part number and manufacturing company/warehouse are used to retrieve the appropriate records from the multiple location logical file (IC130ML6). This process continues in a loop until all records for the part/company/warehouse are read.
(2) If at least one record is found, the first multiple location balance type quantity (LLBLT1) is multiplied by the internally calculated potency factor (PTFCTR, derived by dividing the actual potency, LCACPT, from IC150M for the location’s lot number, LLLTNO, by the part master standard potency, PMSTPT, from DE100M), yielding the equivalent potent units. This process occurs in subroutine POTCLC, after which the potent units (POTBLQ) is added to the inventory. In subroutine POTCLC, if the Available for Planning flag on the lot (LCAUPL) is N, then the effective potency and contribution to the planning balance is zero.
(3) The remaining balance type quantities (LLBLT2, LLBLT3, LLBLT4) are processed similarly to LLBLT1 and added to the inventory only if indicated by their respective order planning codes (MOPAC2=Y, MOPAC3=Y, MOPAC=4).
(4) Since the multiple location file does not have a work-in-process balance quantity (WBWPB) similar to that on IC140M, this is not directly taken into account. The quantity which resides in WBWIPB on IC140M would also be accounted in some multiple location record, so the equivalent work-in-process multiple location records will be converted into potent units and added to the inventory.
(5) For the manufacturing warehouse, if any balance types are available for both planning and distribution (both Order Planning Flag and Distribution Flag = Y on the balance type), and sales orders are not considered for planning (the Sales Order Planning Flag on the Warehouse Description file is N), then the inventory quantity reserved for customer orders is subtracted from the total. For potency controlled parts, the inventory reserved quantity for customer and transfer orders is subtracted from the aforementioned total at standard potency (i.e. stockkeeping, not potent units) because not all of warehouse balance reserved quantity (WBRSOQ) will be guaranteed also to be reserved at the multiple location file level (LLRSV2, LLRSV3, LLRSV4).
(6) For every distribution warehouse associated with the plant, the Warehouse Description file is read to determine if balances at the warehouse are available for planning (WDAVPL = Y). If so, any distribution balance at the warehouse is added to the total in potent units.
(7) If the warehouse balance information for the part cannot be retrieved, or if the Inventory Control Control Record (ICCTL2) is not found, the Planning Balance is set to zero.
(8) If the warehouse balance record is not found (and thus no multiple location records would be found), the potency calculations are not performed and the beginning inventory and projected inventory are assumed to be zero.
(9) The Planning Balance is then used to initialize the Projected Inventory/Available-to-Promise (PRJINV) field for the part.
2. If a horizon date is not entered on the select screen, the horizon date is determined for parts with a production type of MRP (PMPDTP=‘1’).
a. If the Cumulative Lead Time (MLTCUM) for the part equals zero, all requirements and orders are shown. Otherwise, the Horizon Date (which determines the limits of the inquiry) is determined.
b. The Horizon Days field is calculated by multiplying the Cumulative Lead Time by the Order Action Planning Factor.
c. For parts with a production type of JIT (PMPDTY=‘2’), the JIT Horizon Date (JTHZDT) from the System Control file (CT100M) is used.
d. The shop date equivalent of the System Date (UDATE) is retrieved from the Calendar Date file (CT140M).
e. The shop date equivalent of the Horizon Date is calculated by adding the Horizon Days to the shop date equivalent of the System Date.
f. The shop date equivalent of the Horizon Date is then used to retrieve the calendar date equivalent of the Horizon Date from the logical Calendar Date file (CT140ML).
* The forecast amount is displayed for informational purposes. If the requirements for an part include forecast orders, a message will be displayed to indicate that the forecast quantity is not included in the available-to-promise calculation.
3. If the user has selected that the program should analyze actual supply/demand (RP run mode = A), the Availability file (IC100MLA) is read in ascending date sequence to obtain all requirements and supply for the specified part that are within the Horizon Date. Processing is determined by the record format type (manufacturing order, purchase order, requisition, component requirement, sales order, transfer order, flow authorization, flow requirement, transfer requisition, offset releases). Each record is loaded into the Workfile (RP800AP).
4. Manufacturing Order Processing
a. The manufacturing order record is not processed if it has a status of closed (HSTATS = C) or accounting closed (HSTATS = Z).
b. The Order Yield (QTYEXP) for manufacturing orders is calculated by adjusting the Order Quantity (HORDQ) for scrap as follows:
Order Yield = Order Quantity times (1 minus (IC Scrap Factor (RPSCRP)
times .01)) minus Quantity Received
c. The Balance Due (QTYRMN) on the order is calculated by subtracting the Quantity Received (HTQR) from the Order Yield. Negative amounts are set to zero. The Balance Due becomes the Order Quantity (ORDQTY) displayed on the detail screen.
d. The Balance Due is added to the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available-to-Promise field (PRJINV).
5. Purchase Order Processing
a. The purchase order record is not processed if it has a status of closed (PDSTAT = C) or if the order is not for the manufacturing company and warehouse.
b. The Order Yield for purchase orders is calculated by adjusting the SKU Balance Due on Release (PDBDSK) for scrap as follows:
Order Yield = Balance Due on Release minus Order Qty times (1 minus
(RP Scrap Factor (RPSCRP) times .01))
c. The Order Yield amount is added to the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available-to-Promise (PRJINV) field.
6. Requisition Processing
a. The requisition is not processed if it has a status of closed (RQSTS = C) or canceled (RQSTS = K) or if the order is not for the manufacturing company/warehouse.
b. The Uncovered Quantity is calculated by subtracting the Covered Quantity from the Requisition Quantity. If the Uncovered Quantity is negative, it is set to zero.
c. The Order Yield is calculated by adjusting the requisition Uncovered Quantity for scrap:
Order Yield = Uncovered Quantity times (1 minus RP Scrap Factor
(RPSCRP) times .01))
d. The Order Yield amount is added to the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available-to-Promise (PRJINV) field.
7. Component Requirement Processing
a. The component requirement record is not processed if the component is a reference part, if the parent order has a status of closed or accounting closed, or if the component requirement record has been closed (MZSTC = C) or canceled (MZSTC = X).
b. The Balance-to-Issue (CRBAL) is calculated by subtracting the Quantity Issued (MZIQTY) from the Required Quantity (MZRQTY). This amount becomes the Requirements Quantity (REQQTY) displayed on the detail screen. Negative amounts are set to zero.
c. The Balance-to-Issue is subtracted from the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available-to-Promise (PRJINV) field.
d. The component requirement is pegged to the associated parent part on a manufacturing order. The Order Number (MZORNO) is used to retrieve the Parent Part Number (HZPPN) from the corresponding record on the logical Manufacturing Order file (IC100ML1). The Parent Part Number is displayed.
8. Sales Order Processing
a. The sales order record is processed only if it is sourced from the manufacturing company and warehouse.
b. The Balance-to-Issue (COBAL) is calculated by subtracting the SKU Quantity Shipped (SLSQTY) from the Sales Order SKU Required Quantity (SLRQTY). Negative amounts are set to zero.
c. If it is a regular sales order (SLOTP = C) or blanket release order (SLOTP = G), the Balance-to-Issue is subtracted from the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available-to-Promise (PRJINV) field. The detail record is pegged to the related Customer Number on a sales order. The Order Number (SLONO) is used to retrieve the Customer Number (SHCSTN) from the corresponding header record on the Sales Order Header file (OP100M1). The Customer Number is displayed.
9. Flow Authorization
a. The flow authorization is processed only if the status is not closed (FASTAT = ‘C’).
b. The daily balance due quantity (QTYEXP) is calculated by processing each day the Flow Authorization covers.
The following processing occurs until the flow authorization end date is reached:
(1) The received quantity for the day of the split is calculated. If the first day of the split is equal to or after today, it is treated as today and the remaining quantity is consumed as received on this day (RMNRCV added to RCTQTY). All other days are in the future, and the received quantity is zero for those days (RMNRCV set to zero).
(2) If the day of the split is before today and the production quantity is less than scheduled (RMNRCV - FAQTY), the remaining quantity is received for this day and the received quantity is zero for future days (RMNRCV added to RCTQTY, RMNRCV set to zero).
(3) If the day of the split is before today and the production quantity is greater than the scheduled quantity (RMNRCV + FAQTY), the remaining quantity is consumed (FAQTY added to RCTQTY, RCTQTY subtracted from RMNRCV).
(4) The daily balance due quantity on this day is calculated as follows. If the received quantity is less than the daily supply quantity, then the daily balance due quantity is equal to the daily supply quantity minus the received quantity (QTYEXP = FAQTY - RCTQTY). The workfile is loaded with the daily balance due quantity.
(5) The next working day of the split is retrieved, and processing returns to Detail step 10b(1), above.
c. The balance due is added to the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available to Promise field (PRJINV).
10. Flow Requirement
a. The flow requirement is processed only if the status is not closed (FRFAST = ‘C’).
b. The daily Balance to Issue (QTYEXP) is calculated by processing each of the Flow Requirement covers.
The following processing occurs until the flow requirement end date is reached:
(1) The issued quantity for the day of the split is calculated. If the first day of the split is equal to or after today, it is treated as today and the remaining quantity is consumed as issued on this day (RMNISS added to ISSQTY). All other days are in the future, and the issued quantity is zero for those days (RMNISS set to zero).
(2) If the day of the split is before today and the issue quantity is less than the demand quantity (RMNISS - FRDQTY), the remaining quantity is issued for this day and the issued quantity is zero for future days (RMNISS added to ISSQTY, RMNISS set to zero).
(3) If the day of the split is before today and the issue quantity is greater than the demand quantity (RMNISS + FRDQTY), the remaining quantity is consumed (FRDQTY added to ISSQTY, ISSQTY subtracted from RMNISS).
(4) The daily balance to issue quantity on this day is calculated as follows. If the issued quantity is less than the demand quantity, then the daily balance to issue quantity is equal to the scheduled quantity minus the issued quantity (QTYEXP = FRDQTY - ISSQTY). The workfile is loaded with the daily balance to issue quantity.
(5) The next working day of the split is retrieved, and processing returns to Detail step 11b(1), above.
c. The Balance to Issue is subtracted from the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available to Promise field (PRJINV).
11. Supplying transfer orders are processed.
a. The supplying transfer order is processed only if the status is open, released, partially shipped, or shipped (TLLNST = O, R, T, ors), and the transfer order relief code is manufacturing (M).
b. The Shipping Amount Due field (SHPDUE) is calculated by subtracting the transfer order shipped quantity (TLSHQY) from the transfer order ordered quantity (TLORQY). If this value is zero or less, the transfer order is not processed.
12. Receiving transfer orders are processed.
a. The receiving transfer order is processed only if the status is open, released, partially shipped, or shipped (TLLNST = O, R, T, or S), and the transfer order supply is manufacturing (M).
b. The Balance Due field (BALNCD) is calculated by subtracting the transfer order received quantity (TLRCQY) from the transfer order ordered quantity (TLORQY). If this value is zero or less, the transfer order is not processed.
13. Supplying transfer requisitions are processed.
a. The supplying transfer requisition is processed only if the status is planned or released (QTSTS = P or R), and the transfer requisition relief code is manufacturing (M).
b. The Shipping Amount Due field (SHPDUE) is calculated by subtracting the requisition received quantity (QTRCQT) from the requisition required quantity (QTRQTY). If this value is zero or less the transfer requisition is not processed.
14. Receiving transfer requisitions are processed.
a. The receiving transfer requisition is processed only if the status is planned or released (QTSTS = P or R), and the transfer requisition supply code is manufacturing (M).
b. The Balance Due field (BALNCD) is calculated in the same manner as the Shipping Amount Due field (SHPDUE) for supplying requisitions by subtracting the requisition received quantity (QTRCQT) from the requisition required quantity (QTRQTY). If this value is zero or less, the transfer requisition is not processed.
15. Delivery point demand is processed:
a. Total Shipped - SKU (DPTSHP) is subtracted from Total Shipment Due - End Day - SKU (DPTSDU) and accumulated as demand. If the resulting quantity is less than zero, the record is not processed. If there is no valid endorsement for the part/delivery print, the record is not processed.
b. Offset releases from the manufacturing company/warehouses are processed and each release is written to the workfile as a record.
16. If the user has selected that the program should analyze simulated supply/demand (RP run mode = S), and simulated demand does exist, then the RP Simulated Demand file (RP140AL8) and RP Simulated Supply file (RP140AL9) are read in ascending date sequence to obtain all requirements and supply for the specified part that are within the Horizon Date. Processing is determined by the record format type (simulated manufacturing order, simulated purchase order, simulated requisition, simulated component requirement, actual sales order, simulated transfer order, flow authorization, flow requirement, transfer requisition, offset releases). Each record is loaded into the Workfile (RP800AP).
17. Simulated Manufacturing Order Processing (RP140AP1, via RP140AL9)
a. The simulated manufacturing order record is not processed if it has a status of closed (SSTATS = C) or accounting closed (SSTATS = Z) because these records were not copied from the actual manufacturing order file in RP101E (simulated supply copy).
b. The Order Yield (QTYEXP) for manufacturing orders is calculated by adjusting the Order Quantity (SSORDQ) for scrap as follows:
Order Yield = Order Quantity times (1 minus (IC Scrap Factor (RPSCRP)
times .01)) minus Quantity Received
c. The Balance Due (QTYRMN) on the order is calculated by subtracting the Quantity Received (SSQTYR) from the Order Yield. Negative amounts are set to zero. The Balance Due becomes the Order Quantity (ORDQTY) displayed on the Detail screen.
d. The Balance Due is added to the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available-to-Promise field (PRJINV).
18. Simulated Purchase Order Processing (RP140AP1, via RP140AL9)
a. The simulated purchase order record is not processed if it has a status of closed (SSSTAT = C) or if the order is not for the manufacturing company and warehouse because these records were not copied from the actual purchase order release file in RP101E (simulated supply copy).
b. The Order Yield for purchase orders is calculated by adjusting the SKU Balance Due on Release (SSORDQ-SSQTYR) for scrap as follows:
Order Yield = Balance Due on Release minus Order Qty times (1 minus
(RP Scrap Factor (RPSCRP) times .01))
c. The Order Yield amount is added to the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available-to-Promise (PRJINV) field.
19. Simulated Requisition Processing (RP140AP1, via RP140AL9)
a. The requisition is not processed if it has a status of closed (SSSTAT = C) or canceled (SSSTAT = K) or if the order is not for the manufacturing company/warehouse, because these records were not copied from the actual purchase requisition file in RP101E (simulated supply copy).
b. The Uncovered Quantity is calculated by subtracting the Covered Quantity from the Requisition Quantity. If the Uncovered Quantity is negative, it is set to zero.
c. The Order Yield is calculated by adjusting the requisition Uncovered Quantity for scrap:
Order Yield = Uncovered Quantity times (1 minus RP Scrap Factor
(RPSCRP) times .01))
d. The Order Yield amount is added to the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available-to-Promise (PRJINV) field.
20. Simulated Component Requirement Processing (RP140AP2, via RP140AL8)
a. The simulated component requirement record is not processed if the component is a reference part, if the simulated parent order has a status of closed or accounting closed, or if the simulated component requirement record has been closed (SDCSTC = C) or canceled (SDCSTC = X), because these records were not copied from actual component requirement records in RP101E (simulated demand copy).
b. The Balance-to-Issue (CRBAL) is calculated by subtracting the Quantity Issued (SDIQTY) from the Required Quantity (SDRQTY). This amount becomes the Requirements Quantity (REQQTY) displayed on the detail screen. Negative amounts are set to zero.
c. The Balance-to-Issue is subtracted from the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available-to-Promise (PRJINV) field.
21. Sales Order Processing (Actual demand, no simulated record)
a. The sales order record is processed only if it is sourced from the manufacturing company and warehouse.
b. The Balance-to-Issue (COBAL) is calculated by subtracting the SKU Quantity Shipped (SLSQTY) from the Sales Order SKU Required Quantity (SLRQTY). Negative amounts are set to zero.
c. If it is a regular sales order (SLOTP = C) or blanket release order (SLOTP = G), the Balance-to-Issue is subtracted from the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available-to-Promise (PRJINV) field. The detail record is pegged to the related Customer Number on a sales order. The Order Number (SLONO) is used to retrieve the Customer Number (SHCSTN) from the corresponding header record on the Sales Order Header file (OP100M1). The Customer Number is displayed.
22. Simulated Flow Authorization (RP140AP3, via RP140AL9)
a. The simulated flow authorization is processed only if the status is not closed (SFSTAT = ‘C’) because these records were not copied from the actual flow authorization file in RP101E (simulated supply copy).
b. The daily balance due quantity (QTYEXP) is calculated by processing each day the simulated Flow Authorization covers.
The following processing occurs until the simulated flow authorization end date is reached:
(1) The received quantity for the day of the split is calculated. If the first day of the split is equal to or after today, it is treated as today and the remaining quantity is consumed as received on this day (RMNRCV added to RCTQTY). All other days are in the future, and the received quantity is zero for those days (RMNRCV set to zero).
(2) If the day of the split is before today and the production quantity is less than scheduled (RMNRCV - SFQTY), the remaining quantity is received for this day and the received quantity is zero for future days (RMNRCV added to RCTQTY, RMNRCV set to zero).
(3) If the day of the split is before today and the production quantity is greater than the scheduled quantity (RMNRCV +SFQTY), the remaining quantity is consumed (FAQTY added to RCTQTY, RCTQTY subtracted from RMNRCV).
(4) The daily balance due quantity on this day is calculated as follows. If the received quantity is less than the daily supply quantity, then the daily balance due quantity is equal to the daily supply quantity minus the received quantity (QTYEXP = SFQTY - RCTQTY). The workfile is loaded with the daily balance due quantity.
(5) The next working day of the split is retrieved, and processing returns to Detail step 10b(1), above.
c. The balance due is added to the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available to Promise field (PRJINV).
23. Simulated Flow Requirement (RP140AP4, via RP140AL8)
a. The simulated flow requirement is processed only if the status is not closed (FDFAST = ‘C’) because these records were not copied from the actual flow authorization file in RP101E (simulated supply copy).
b. The daily Balance to Issue (QTYEXP) is calculated by processing each of the simulated Flow Requirement covers.
The following processing occurs until the simulated flow requirement end date is reached:
(1) The issued quantity for the day of the split is calculated. If the first day of the split is equal to or after today, it is treated as today and the remaining quantity is consumed as issued on this day (RMNISS added to ISSQTY). All other days are in the future, and the issued quantity is zero for those days (RMNISS set to zero).
(2) If the day of the split is before today and the issue quantity is less than the demand quantity (RMNISS - FDDQTY), the remaining quantity is issued for this day and the issued quantity is zero for future days (RMNISS added to ISSQTY, RMNISS set to zero).
(3) If the day of the split is before today and the issue quantity is greater than the demand quantity (RMNISS + FDDQTY), the remaining quantity is consumed (FDDQTY added to ISSQTY, ISSQTY subtracted from RMNISS).
(4) The daily balance to issue quantity on this day is calculated as follows. If the issued quantity is less than the demand quantity, then the daily balance to issue quantity is equal to the scheduled quantity minus the issued quantity (QTYEXP = FDDQTY - ISSQTY). The workfile is loaded with the daily balance to issue quantity.
(5) The next working day of the split is retrieved, and processing returns to Detail step 11b(1), above.
c. The Balance to Issue is subtracted from the running part total of the Projected Inventory/Available to Promise field (PRJINV).
24. Simulated supplying transfer orders are processed.
a. The simulated supplying transfer order is processed only if the status is open or released (SDORST = O or C), because these records were not copied from the actual component requirements records in RP101E (simulated demand copy).
b. The Shipping Amount Due field (SHPDUE) is calculated by subtracting the transfer order shipped quantity (SDIQTY) from the transfer order ordered quantity (SDRQTY). If this value is zero or less, the transfer order is not processed.
25. Simulated receiving transfer orders are processed.
a. The receiving transfer order is processed only if the status is open or released (SDORST = O or C), and the transfer order supply is manufacturing (M).
b. The Balance Due field (BALNCD) is calculated by subtracting the transfer order received quantity (SSQTYR) from the transfer order ordered quantity (SSORDQ). If this value is zero or less, the transfer order is not processed.
26. Simulated supplying transfer requisitions are processed.
a. The supplying transfer requisition is processed only if the status is planned or released (SDORST = R or R), and the transfer requisition relief code is manufacturing (M).
b. The Shipping Amount Due field (SHPDUE) is calculated by subtracting the requisition received quantity (SDIQTY) from the requisition required quantity (SDRQTY). If this value is zero or less the transfer requisition is not processed.
27. Simulated receiving transfer requisitions are processed.
a. The receiving transfer requisition is processed only if the status is planned or released (SDORST = R or R), and the transfer requisition supply code is manufacturing (M).
b. The Balance Due field (BALNCD) is calculated in the same manner as the Shipping Amount Due field (SHPDUE) for supplying requisitions by subtracting the requisition received quantity (SSQTYR) from the requisition required quantity (SSORDQ). If this value is zero or less, the transfer requisition is not processed.
28. Delivery point demand (actual demand; no simulation) is processed:
a. Total Shipped - SKU (DPTSHP) is subtracted from Total Shipment Due - End Day - SKU (DPTSDU) and accumulated as demand. If the resulting quantity is less than zero, the record is not processed. If there is no valid endorsement for the part/delivery print, the record is not processed.
b. Offset releases from the manufacturing company/warehouses are processed and each release is written to the workfile as a record.
29. Each workfile record is formatted for display and loaded into the subfile using the Display and Load Subfile processing method. For information about this method of subfile processing, see the Technical Support Manual.
Projected Inventory/Available-to-Promise is included as part of each record to show the effect of the requirement or order record on the running total. After all requirement and order records with a due date less than or equal to the Horizon Date have been loaded into the subfile, detail processing for the part is ended and all records are displayed.
30. If the requested part has a safety stock requirement, the Safety Stock Quantity (AMSSK) is subtracted from Projected Inventory (PRJINV) field. The requirement record is formatted with the System Date and loaded into the subfile for display. Any past due requirements will appear before safety stock.
31. Once the Requirements Review Detail screen has been displayed, the user may press F9 (Time-Phased P/A) to transfer to the Time-Phased Part Availability program (IC810E); or, the user may press the ENTER key to return to the Requirements Review Function Select screen and enter another Part Number.
32. For JIT manufactured and build-thru parts, the JIT Firm Date is shown in the subfile as an informative, non-demand, non-supply line. This field is set by the JIT Production Schedule Firm/Unfirm program (JT230E).
33. For all MRP or JIT parts, other than JIT manufactured and build-thru parts, the firm horizon date (if being defined for RP requests) is shown in the subfile as an informative, non-demand, non-supply line. This field is set and updated by the Requirements Planning Generation program (RP100E) during the MRP generation.