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Requirements Review - Purpose


The Requirements Review program (RP800E) produces a detailed and summarized display of all requirements (component, safety stock, forecast flow requirement, blanket release, and regular customer orders) and all manufacturing purchase orders, transfer orders, transfer requirements, and flow authorization for the requested part.  The projected inventory/available-to-promise balance is displayed as a running total showing the effect of each requirement and supply.  The program can analyze only one plant (manufacturing company/warehouse plus distribution warehouses in the plant which are available for planning) for a part, or all plants (all manufacturing company/warehouses and distribution warehouses available for planning) by leaving the plant field on the select screen blank.  This program can run in both actual and simulated mode, depending on the value entered on the Function Select screen by the user.  If actual mode is selected, then actual demand and supply are analyzed and loaded.  If simulated mode is selected, then a check is made to see if simulated demand exists for the part.  If it does, then simulated demand and simulated supply will be analyzed and loaded.  Otherwise, actual demand and simulated supply will be analyzed and loaded.

The Requirements Review program also allows direct entry by command key into the Time-Phased Part Availability program (IC810E).

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