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Offset Releases Generation - Calculations


A.   Mainline

1.   BTHPRC calls subroutines to initialize the batch process (INTILP), pre-split delivery request (SPLITR) based on the valid endorsement, split delivery requests (SPLITO), offset the delivery requests (WRKTAB), and update files.  The Offset Release Master (GA200M) is updated by calling TABUPD to close all previous offset releases (status 'C') and create new ones (status 'O').  The Delivery Request Header and Detail files (GA210M1, GA210M2) are updated through DRHUPD and DRRUPD in order to set their statuses to 'E'.

2.   Pre-splitting the delivery requests means retrieving all the endorsements that will be valid during the period covered by the delivery request. 

Delivery request start date 01/01 to 01/20 quantity 100,000
Endorsement 1 valid from 01/01 to 01/10
Endorsement 2 valid from 01/11 to the end
The delivery request will be split into two
01/01 to 01/10 quantity 50,000
01/11 to 01/20 quantity 50,000

3.   Splitting the delivery requests is done by applying splitting rules to all delivery request releases (GA210M2) by calling SPLITO.  The following splitting rules are applied (SPLITO):

a.   Only open delivery request releases (status O) are split.  Requests are open if they have not yet undergone the splitting/offsetting process (status E), if they have not been replaced (status C), and if they have not been considered in a shipping proposal (status B).

b.   Splitting is performed depending on the request release's horizon.  If the beginning of the period is in the defined splitting offsetting horizon (defined on the "Fine Exploding Horizon - Weeks" field of category G09), the request is split, regardless of its nature.

c.   All confirmed releases (nature 1) are split, even if out of horizon.

d.   Planned releases (natures 2-4) that have not been considered are split every N days (based on the "Post Horizon Exploding Period - Days" field on category G09).

e.   Request releases that are explicitly expressed in quantity by date do not undergo any splitting process.

      Newly created offset releases are added with an open status ("O").  The status of the delivery requests that have undergone splitting is set to "E".

4.   The offsetting is processed by subroutine WRKTAB.  The following steps are performed:

a.   The quantities of the offset releases (expressed in ordering units - OU) are converted into stockkeeping units (SKU), depending on the conversion factor OU/SKU in the corresponding endorsement.

b.   The shipping date is calculated by subtracting the transportation lead time (defined on endorsement) from the delivery date.

c.   The preparation date is calculated by subtracting the preparation lead time (defined on the Endorsement) from the shipping date.

5.   Errors occurring during the batch process are recorded on the message file GA999AP, sorted by warnings and critical and abort errors.

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