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Offset Releases Generation - Purpose


The Offset Releases Generation program (GA200E) is called during the daily batch process.  It splits and offsets delivery requests into offset releases for the generation of shipping proposals and for further processing by other MAC-PAC modules.  Creating offset releases means expressing delivery requests in terms of quantity/date ("splitting") and calculating when to prepare and ship delivery requests from the requested delivery date ("offsetting").  A delivery request specified in terms of quantity/period results in several offset releases with different delivery dates, each of them part of the quantity to deliver.  Using the preparation and shipment dates for each release enables the Picker Generation program (GA230E) later in the process to create shipping proposals for all due items.

The splitting/offsetting process considers the customer's delivery conditions as well as the data associated with the endorsements.  Splitting depends on the nature and the status of a delivery request.  Possible natures (types) of a delivery request are (field RHTYPE on Delivery Request Header file GA210M1 must be defined on category G12):

·      nature 1 (confirmed request): triggers delivery

·      nature 2 (planned request): manufacturing can be started

·      nature 3 (planned request): material reorder can be started

·      nature 4 (planned request): trend, information only

A delivery request can have the following statuses (field RHRQST on Delivery Request Header file GA210M1):

·      status 'O': open - Has not undergone splitting yet

·      status 'E': has already been processed

·      status 'C': closed - Has been replaced by another request release

·      status 'B': blocked - Has been considered in a shipping proposal

Splitting the delivery requests is performed according to the following splitting criteria:

·      Only open delivery requests are split.

·      Splitting is performed depending on the request horizon.  If the beginning of the period is in the "defined splitting offsetting horizon" (in weeks, field "Fine Exploding Horizon - Weeks" on category G09), the request is split, regardless of the nature of the delivery request.

·      All confirmed delivery requests (nature 1) are split, even if out of horizon.

·      Planned requests (natures 2-4) that have not been considered are split every N days (field "Post Horizon Exploding Period - Days" on category G09).

·      Requests that are explicitly expressed in quantity by date do not undergo any splitting process.

During the offsetting process, for a given delivery date, transportation, and preparation lead time, the shipping and preparation dates are calculated for each release and the offset releases are created on the Offset Release file (GA200M).  Offset releases can have the following statuses:

·      status 'O': open - All new offset releases are assigned an open status.

  • status 'C': closed - Closed offset releases are no longer considered by the processing.

·      status 'B': blocked - Blocked offset releases can still be considered by the processing.

The Offset Release Master (GA200M) is updated to close all previous offset releases (status 'C') and to create new ones (status 'O').  The Delivery Request Header and Detail files (GA210M1, GA210M2) are updated to set their statuses to 'E'.

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