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Expert Configurator >
Programs >
Matrix Header Maintenance - Purpose >
Matrix Header Maintenance - Calculations
Matrix Header Maintenance - Calculations
A. Housekeeping
1. Common Processing routines - Housekeeping
2. Work fields are defined and program constants are initialized.
3. The following information is retrieved from the Reference file.
a. The operating system's file access codes are retrieved from category 015. If this record is not found, the program ends abnormally.
b. The date format record (category 049) is retrieved. If record is not found, the date format defaults to MMDDYY, a message is sent to the system operator, and processing continues.
4. Retrieve number of decimals for quantity fields.
5. An array with ten to the power of one through six is loaded to convert packed decimal fields.
6. The database type (sales order entry, pricing, or manufacturing) is determined.
B. Mainline
1. The select screen is displayed and validated.
a. The maintenance code is validated and the other fields are validated according to the maintenance code.
(1) If the maintenance code is add, a matrix must not exist with the entered matrix and part number. The part number must exist on the Part Master file. If a group or subgroup is entered, it must exist on the Reference file.
(2) If the maintenance code is change, deactivate, reactivate, or version activation, the matrix number and part number must exist for the current database type.
(3) For deactivation and reactivation, the matrix must be active or inactive, respectively.
b. If the maintenance code is invalid, the select screen is displayed with the appropriate error message. If any other data is invalid, the partial screen is displayed with the appropriate error message and highlighting.
2. If all select data is correct, the detail screen is displayed and validated according to the maintenance code.
a. If the maintenance code is add, all the fields on the detail screen are validated.
b. If the maintenance code is change, the program first checks if detail has been entered for the matrix (in EC120M2). If detail exists, the user can only change the descriptions and access modes. Otherwise, all the fields on the screen are validated (at least one field must be changed).
c. If the maintenance code is deactivate, the detail screen and a confirmation message is displayed. If ENTER is pressed, the active flag is set to off.
d. If the maintenance code is reactivate, the detail screen and a confirmation message is displayed. If ENTER is pressed, the active flag is set to on.
e. If the maintenance code is version activation, the program checks that detail exists for the version number entered. If no detail exists, an error message is displayed.
3. If the ENTER key is pressed, the Matrix Header file (EC120M1) is updated. If F3, F2, or F10 are pressed, the file is not updated. If F9 is pressed, Matrix Inquiry (EC820E) is called directly. If F16 is pressed, Matrix Detail Maintenance (EC130E) is called via fast path.