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Submitting Batch Jobs



In general, requests for batch jobs (such as reports) are entered and validated online.  If the request is valid, a batch request is created on the system.  However, the job associated with the transaction will not actually be run until you release it.  The procedure  for releasing jobs (and deleting them before they are released) is different for the three financial modules (Accounts Receivable (AR), Accounts Payable (AP), and General Ledger (GL)) than for the other system modules.

Financial Modules

1.   After you request a job, you must select Release Submitted Jobs from the AR, AP, or GL application menu.  This option displays a list of jobs that have been submitted.  All of the entered jobs have the status HLD (hold).  At this point, you can either release a job of delete it.

2.   To delete the job at this stage, use Delete (option 4).  To release a job, use Release (option 6).  The job will be placed on a job queue based on the priority assigned to it.  If you wish, you can use Change (option 2)  to view parameters (such as job queue and output queue) before releasing the job.

3.   Once the job is released, you must use  commands (rather than MAC-PAC menu options) to monitor the status of the job or delete it from a job queue.  The work with submitted jobs (WRKSBMJOB), work with job queue (WRKJOBQ), and work with output queue (WRKOUTQ) commands  can help you perform these tasks.

Manufacturing and Distribution Modules

Some requests screens contain a Print Immediately field.  Typing a 'Y' in this field submits the corresponding batch job automatically; you do not need to release it in a separate step.  You should not attempt to delete any batch requests that were submitted immediately.  The following pertains to batch jobs not submitted immediately.

There are two types of batch jobs in the manufacturing and distribution modules:  batch jobs (such as report requests) where multiple requests are allowed, and batch jobs (such as requirements planning generation) where only one request is allowed for the plant (or for the entire system).

Multiple Requests

Multiple requests are allowed if the screen where you enter the request contains a function key labeled Review.  Pressing this key displays any batch requests that have already been entered with your user sign-on ID but have not yet been submitted. As you view a particular request, you can delete it by pressing a function key.

Once you have entered the batch request and exited the request screen:

1.   Each module's application menu contains an option called Transaction Review.  This option has the same effect as pressing the Review key from the request screen; it allows you to delete any requests that have been entered but not submitted.

2.   You release submitted requests through the Release Submitted Jobs program.  If this option is selected from the MAC-PAC main menu, you will receive a screen listing all installed modules.  After choosing which module's jobs you want to submit, you are taken to the detail screen and shown a list of all pending jobs for that module.  If the Release Submitted Jobs option is selected from a specific module's menu, you are taken immediately to the detail screen.  Once on the detail screen, place an 'X' next to the jobs you wish to submit and press ENTER.

Single Requests

When a single request is allowed (per plant or for the entire system), you can change or delete the request by returning to the online request screen.  To change the request, you simply type over any fields on the screen.  To delete the request, you remove the "X" from the Submit Request field.  You can change or delete the request up until the time that it is submitted from the Release Submitted Jobs options.