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Mass Maintaining Accounts


Mass creation and modification of Budget Master File records is performed on the Mass Maintenance Screen shown below.  Mass maintenance processing is used to maintain one budget record, a range of budget records, or an entire budget for a location in one maintenance.  Typically, mass maintained budget amounts provide a rough-cut view of a new budget.  However, because budgets can be prepared for a large number of accounts in one step, preliminary budget values can be ready for review in a very short time frame.  These values can then be updated on an account by account basis during the budget review process.  Mass maintenance processing can also be used to reflect changes in the business environment.  Increases or decreases in raw material prices, utility expenses, or sales projections can be made quickly on an existing budget sequence.  Or a new budget sequence can be set up to reflect the new budget values.


WILLIAMS                        GENERAL LEDGER                         2/27/95

 DSP01                   BUDGET MASTER FILE MAINTENANCE              MASS MAINT



   Budget Year/Sequence           95  01                                       

   Company/Location               001  WEN                                     

   From Account/Center            0101001000                                    

   To Account/Center              0101001000                                   

   Fin, Stat, or Both             F                                            

   Sequence Code                  A                                            

   Transaction Code               C                                            






   Budget Maint Cd    BP  Budget Year/Sequence 95 01 Budget Amt                

                           Weighting Index           Bdgt Percent   15.00      


         Submit            Y                                                    


 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F4=Prompt           F10=Function Select




        Budget Mass Maintenance Screen


Budget Master File records can be mass created with initial budget amounts of zero, or initial budget amounts can be calculated using the budget maintenance  code processing.  All maintenance processing that can be performed for individual accounts can be performed for mass additions except for the distribution of quarterly amounts (QA).  The screen amounts plus an amount (SA) and screen amounts plus a percent (SP) codes use existing budget values.  Mass change processing can be used to modify existing sets of Budget Master File records using the same maintenance code processing available for mass creation processing.