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Projected Inventory Cost Summary - Reports






Projected Inventory Cost Summary Request

The Projected Inventory Cost Summary Request report contains the parameters that were used to control the Projected Inventory Cost Summary program (RP500E), which prints the Projected Inventory Cost Detail and Summary reports (RP500B and RP500C).  This report is printed upon request, along with the resulting detail and summary reports for the requested plant.

 The heading “Selective Request Code” appears on this report only when an accounting or commodity request has been specified.


Projected Inventory Cost Detail

The Projected Inventory Cost Detail report measures inventory performance for parts on the Part Master File (DE100M).  The projected inventory balances for each part over a twelve-month period are determined (the beginning balance is adjusted by time-phasing all requirements and orders for the part).  The resulting monthly inventory balances are then converted to dollar amounts based on the specified cost type.  Depending on the specified parameter, the report prints the detail information for all parts, or only those parts with a specified commodity or accounting code.  The report can be generated to reflect either simulated inventory costs or actual inventory costs, based upon either actual supply and demand or simulated supply and demand.

Costs are rounded to the nearest thousand.  However, line totals are summed prior to rounding of detail lines.  Due to this, rounded cost figures may not add up to the total cost figure.  Parts with no inventory costs are not printed.

Depending on the specified parameter, one of the following headings will appear on the report:

—“Simulated Cost in Thousands”

—“Standard Cost in Thousands”

—“Current Cost in Thousands”

The heading “Simulation Trial ID” appears on the report only when a simulated cost report is printed.  Also, a heading of “***Simulation Supply/Demand***” appears when you base projected inventory on simulated supply and demand.


Projected Inventory Cost Summary

The Projected Inventory Cost Summary report measures either simulated or actual inventory performance of parts on the Part Master File (DE100M) for a specific plant.  The projected inventory balances for each part over a twelve-month period are determined (the beginning balance is adjusted by time-phasing all requirements and orders for the part).  The resulting monthly inventory balances are then converted to dollar amounts based on the specified cost type.  The material, labor, and overhead costs are summarized for each account number or commodity code.

Costs are rounded to the nearest thousand.  However, line totals are summed prior to rounding of detail lines.  Due to this, rounded cost figures may not add up to the total cost figure.  Parts with no inventory costs are not printed.

Depending on the specified parameter, one of the following headings will appear on the report:

— “Simulated Cost in Thousands”

— “Standard Cost in Thousands”

— “Current Cost in Thousands”

The heading “Simulation Trial ID” appears on the report only when a simulated cost report is printed.


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