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Projected Demand Maintenance - Purpose
Projected Demand Maintenance - Purpose
The Projected Demand Maintenance program (MS150E) is used to enter projected demand (forecast) quantities for a part. Demand quantities can be maintained against any part, including product families, service parts and non-master scheduled items. These quantities are kept on the Projected Demand file (MS150M). Through the use of the Demand Code field, users can enter different types of demand for the same part number. Demand can be broken down within a demand type by Customer Reference Number. Also, users may attribute a forecast to a particular distribution warehouse.
Demand projections can be entered in three different time masks: weekly, monthly, or by planning periods. Planning periods are defined by the Planning Period Definition program (MS025E).
This program only validates the user's input and formats a workfile; the Projected Demand Maintenance program - Asynchronous (MS155E) performs the actual updating of the master file.