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Documentation > MAC-PAC Technical Library > Manufacturing > Just-in-Time > Programs > Production Schedule - Purpose

Production Schedule - Purpose


The Production Schedule program (JT520E) provides the user with either a Production Schedule report or a Requirement Schedule report.  The report is driven off of the Part/Production Center Relationship file (JT160M), so a relationship must be set up for a part that is scheduled in an alternative production center in order for the part to be shown on the report.

The Production Schedule report lists a rough-cut production rate/demand capability for each production center within a plant over the next seven days or the next seven weeks.  The Requirement Schedule report lists a component requirements by parent for each production center over the next six days or the next six weeks.  The reports will be generated based on the option chosen by the user in the Production Schedule Report Request program (JT310E).

For each production center on the Production Schedule report, the production rate multiplied by run units for the part in that production center, and the demand quantity for each day or each week are accumulated.  The percent of capacity is calculated by dividing the weekly/daily production load by the weekly/daily capacity of that production center.

For each production center on the Requirement Schedule report, the component requirements for each day or each week are accumulated.

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