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Documentation > MAC-PAC Technical Library > Manufacturing > Inventory Control > Programs > Warehouse Balance and Multiple Location Purge - Purpose

Warehouse Balance and Multiple Location Purge - Purpose


The Warehouse Balance and Multiple Location Purge program (IC070E) deletes warehouse balance records and multiple location records from their respective master files if the records fall within the purge horizon.  In addition, warehouse balance records are only deleted if the warehouse has been deactivated (WBACTC = *).  Reports are printed detailing which records have been deleted.

This purge program is called from the System File Support Menu (option 3, file options 9 and 10).  Selection of either file option results in the purge of both the Warehouse Balance File and the Multiple Location file.

The control language program that calls the purge program reorganizes the master files after this program finishes.

IC070E Program Menu