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Manufacturing >
Inventory Control >
Programs >
Batch Billing - Purpose >
Batch Billing - Calculations
Batch Billing - Calculations
A. Housekeeping
1. The following information is retrieved from the Reference file (REFERP).
a. CPF file access status codes are retrieved from category 015.
b. The date format record (category 049) is retrieved.
c. The Future Three Interface defaults record (category D26) is retrieved.
d. The default adjustment code is retrieved (category 432) so the customer statistics update flag is known.
e. The system defaults record (category 133) is retrieved to determine the base currency level.
f. The current sales period ending date is determined from categories 407 and 435.
2. An array containing all valid company/warehouse combinations is loaded.
B. Mainline
1. The Batch Billing Transaction file (IC110AL1) is read in order by shipper number.
2. Transactions for a shipper are accumulated until the shipper number changes.
a. The company/location/warehouse combination is validated and a check is made to ensure the user is authorized to it.
b. The part number is checked against the Part Master file (DE100M). If it is inactive, or if it is planning, nonstandard, nonstock, bundled, or configured, an error message is written.
c. The customer number is validated, and the Ship-to and Bill-to customer address records are retrieved from the Customer Address file (ARCUSTL9).
d. The stock location for the billing part is validated against the Location Validation file (DE140M), unless the item is a reference part.
e. If the lot option is 'Yes' and the part is lot controlled but not lot assignable, the lot number is validated.
f. The Forecast Shipment file (IC140APl) is checked for shipment records that correspond to records in the Batch Billing file (IC110AP1). If the shipment record is valid, the shipment quantity is validated for less than zero or not equal to the billing amount. If the shipment record is invalid, the unit cost is calculated by the billing program.
3. If any information is invalid, the errors are written to the Batch Billing Exception Report printer file (IC110PF1).
4. Valid transactions are updated with a special code in the error field. Master files are updated with valid transactions. If the customer's currency (as defined on the Customer Master file) is different than the base currency for the company/location, the transaction amount is converted into the company/location's base currency before the records are written.
a. An Accounts Receivable Order Detail record is written for each valid transaction.
b. A Sales History file (OP120M) record is written for each valid transaction.
c. An Accounts Receivable Order Header file record is written for each shipper number that has valid transactions.
5. Open printer files are closed at the end of normal processing.