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W/C Load Detail Report Print - Calculations
W/C Load Detail Report Print - Calculations
A. Housekeeping
1. All work fields are defined and program constants are initialized.
2. Key lists are defined and program flags are set.
3. The company name is retrieved. Refer to Common Processing Routines for a description of this processing.
4. Category 049, Date Format, is retrieved from the Reference file.
5. Category 012, Applications Installed, is retrieved from the Reference file. The Shop Floor installed flag (R012SF) is checked on this record. If the category is not found, the program terminates abnormally.
6. Category 409 and 418 are read and default plant is validated - report periods are set up if plant is valid.
B. Mainline
Function Select Screen
1. The screen is displayed with default plant in plant field.
a. The workcenter number, start date, horizon date, labor or machine option and plant entered by the user are validated. Refer to the Capacity Planning User Manual for specific validation rules.
2. If the Function Select screen input is valid, the requested Detail screen (labor or machine) is displayed.
a. If the input fields are invalid, the Function Select screen is redisplayed with the appropriate error message.
Detail Screen (if Shop Floor Control is installed)
1. If Shop Floor Control is installed, labor requirements for released orders are read sequentially from the Labor Requirements file (IC125ML6). Released orders can have setup and/or run activity reported against them.
Labor requirements for released orders are processed before labor requirements for planned orders are read. Labor requirements for planned MRP orders and for planned or firmed JIT flows are read sequentially from the Capacity Planning Labor Requirements file (CP100AP).
The requested workcenter number is used as a key when both files are read.
2. Each labor requirements record is checked to ensure that only operations with start dates before the requested horizon date are processed.
JIT flows are identified by an operation type of 8. The daily load for JIT flows is read on the record and added immediately to the load bucket. This addition is repeated for each day within the load bucket.
MRP orders (operation type = 1 to 7) are processed as follows:
3. The following processing is performed for fixed-time operations (operation type of 6 or 7).
a. If the quantity completed (LRQTCP) is greater than zero, it is added to a workfield.
b. If the quantity scrapped (LRQTSP) is greater than zero, it is added to a workfield.
c. Because the time required for a fixed time operation does not depend on the number of pieces produced, a fixed-time operation cannot be considered partially complete. Therefore, if either the quantity completed or quantity scrapped is greater than zero, the operation is considered complete. In this case, the total load for the operation equals zero.
4. If an MRP operation starts and ends on the same day, the setup load is calculated as follows. (Setup load is calculated only if there is no run activity reported for the operation.)
a. The elapsed set up hours are calculated. If no setup activity has been reported, the number of elapsed setup hours equals zero.
1) If the machine/labor-paced flag (LRMLPF) is L (labor), the elapsed set up hours equals the labor setup hours reported (LRLSUR) divided by the number of persons (LRNOPR).
2) If the machine/labor-paced flag (LRMLPF) is M (machine), the elapsed set up hours equals the machine setup hours reported (LRMSUR) divided by the number of machines (LRNOMC).
b. The elapsed setup hours are subtracted from the setup hours (LRSUSC) on the labor requirements record. The resulting number of setup hours, which excludes setup already reported, is used to calculate the setup load.
c. The setup load is calculated. The labor setup load equals the setup hours multiplied by the number of persons. The machine setup load equals the setup hours multiplied by the number of machines.
d. The setup load is added to the setup load accumulator. If the start date of the operation is before the requested start date, the calculated setup load is added to the past due setup accumulator. Otherwise, the calculated setup load is added to the accumulator for the report period in which the operation falls.
5. If the MRP operation starts and ends on the same day, the run load is calculated as follows.
a. The number of completed hours is calculated. If no run activity has been reported, the number of completed hours equals zero.
1) If the operation is a crew operation, the number of completed hours equals the piece rate scheduled as machine-paced (PRMPP) multiplied by the total quantity workfield (TOTQTY).
2) If the operation is not a crew operation and the machine/labor-paced flag is set to L (labor), the number of completed hours equals:
piece rate scheduled as machine/
labor paced
total quantity work field
3) If the operation is not a crew operation and the machine/labor-paced flag is set to M (machine), the number of completed hours equals:
piece rate scheduled as machine/
labor paced
total quantity work field
b. The run start time of the operation is calculated. It equals setup hours - completed setup hours + operation start time.
c. The run time of the operation is calculated. It equals run due time - run start time - number of completed hours
The run time of the operation excludes run activity already reported.
d. The run load is calculated. The labor run load equals the run time multiplied by the number of persons. The machine run load equals the run time multiplied by the number of machines.
e. The run load is added to the run load accumulator. If the start date of the operation is before the requested start date, the calculated run load is added to the past due run load accumulator. Otherwise, the calculated run load is added to the accumulator for the report period in which the operation falls.
5. If an operation takes more than one day, the setup load is calculated as follows (Setup load is calculated only if no run activity is reported for the operation):
a. If setup activity has been reported, the labor setup reported is calculated. If no setup activity has been reported, the number of reported setup hours equals zero.
(1) If the machine/labor-paced flag (LRMLPF) is L (labor), the elapsed set up hours equals the labor setup hours reported (LRLSUR) divided by the number of persons (LRNOPR).
(2) If the machine/labor-paced flag (LRMLPF) is M (machine), the elapsed set up hours equals the machine setup hours reported (LRMSUR) divided by the number of machines (LRNOMC).
b. The reported setup hours are added to the start date and start time on the labor requirements record to adjust the actual date and time when the load will begin.
c. The reported setup hours are subtracted from the setup (LRSUSC) on the labor requirement record. The result is the number of setup hours remaining.
d. If any setup hours remain, the elapsed setup hours are calculated for the individual days.
(1) For an operation that occurs on the first day and/or intermediate day:
If the remaining setup hours is greater than the available hours in the workday, the elapsed setup hours equals the available hours.
(2) For an operation that occurs on the first day and/or intermediate day:
If the remaining setup hours is less than or equal to the available hours in the workday, the elapsed setup hours equals the remaining setup hours.
(3) For an operation that occurs on the last day:
The elapsed setup hours equal the remaining setup hours.
e. The setup load is calculated. The labor setup load equals the setup hours multiplied by the number of persons. The machine setup load equals the setup hours multiplied by the number of machines.
f. The setup load is added to the setup load accumulator. If the start date of the operation is before the requested start date, the calculated setup load is added to the past due setup accumulator. Otherwise, the calculated setup load is added to the accumulator for the report period in which the operation fails.
7. If F11 is pressed to alternate between labor and machine load calculations, the accumulators are cleared and the load calculations are begun again.
If the operation starts and ends on the same day, the run load is calculated as follows. The number of completed hours is calculated. If no run activity has been reported, the number of completed hours equals zero.
(1) If the operation is a crew operation, the number of completed hours equals the piece rate scheduled as machine-paced (PRMPP) multiplied by the total quantity workfield (TOTQTY).
(2) If the operation is not a crew operation and the machine/labor-paced flag is set to L (labor), the number of completed hours equals
piece rate scheduled as machine/
labor paced
total quantity work field
(3) If the operation is not a crew operation and the machine/labor-paced flag is set to M (machine), the number of completed hours equals:
piece rate scheduled as machine/
labor paced
total quantity work field
If the operation takes more than one day, the run load is calculated as follows:
a. If the operation starts and ends on the same day, the run load is calculated as follows. The number of completed hours equals zero.
(1) If the operation is a crew operation, the number of completed hours equals the piece rate scheduled as machine-paced (PRMPP) multiplied by the total quantity workfield (TOTQTY).
(2) If the operation is not a crew operation and the machine/labor-paced flag is set to L (labor), the number of completed hours equals
piece rate scheduled as machine/
labor paced
total quantity work field
(3) If the operation is not a crew operation and the machine/labor-paced flag is set to M (machine), the number of completed hours equals:
piece rate scheduled as machine/
labor paced
total quantity work field
b. The completed hours are added to the start date and start time on the labor requirements record to adjust the actual date and time when the load will begin.
c. The run start time of the operation is calculated
(1) If setup is finished on the first day, run start time equals load begin time plus elapsed setup hours.
(2) If setup is finished on an intermediate day or the last day, run start time equals workday start time plus elapsed setup hours.
d. The run time of the operation is calculated.
(1) If run occurs on the first day, run time equals work day end time minus run start time.
(2) If both setup and run occur on an intermediate day, run time equals workday end time minus run start time.
(3) If only run occurs on an intermediate day, run time equals hours per day for the workcenter.
(4) If both setup and run occur on the last day, run time equals run due time minus run start time.
(5) If only run occurs on the last day and no other day of load has been allocated, run time equals run due time minus load begin time.
(6) If only run occurs on the last day and at least one day of load has been previously allocated, run time equals run due time minus workday start time.
The run time of the operation excludes run activity already reported.
The run load is calculated. The labor run load equals the run time multiplied by the number of persons. The machine run load equals the run time multiplied by the number of machines.
f. The run load is added to the run load accumulator. If the start date of the operation is before the requested start date, the calculated run load is added to the past due run load accumulator. Otherwise, the calculated run load is added to the accumulator for the report period in which the operation falls.
8. If F12 is pressed, the Load Detail Inquiry program (CP810E) is entered.
9. If F8 is pressed, the Workcenter Inquiry program (ME800E) is entered.
Detail Screen (if Shop Floor Control is not installed)
1. If Shop Floor Control is not installed, labor requirements records for released and planned MRP orders and records for planned and firm JIT flows are read sequentially from the Capacity Planning Labor Requirements file (CP100AP). The requested workcenter number is used as a key.
Labor requirements for released orders are processed before labor requirements for planned orders and JIT flows are read. Processing is essentially the same for all MRP orders, whether planned or released.
No activity can be reported against MRP operations if Shop Floor Control is not installed.
2. Each labor requirements record is checked to ensure that only operations with start dates before the requested horizon date are processed.
3. If an MRP operation starts and ends on the same day, the total load is calculated as follows.
a. The setup load is calculated. The labor setup load equals the setup hours multiplied by the number of persons. The machine setup load equals the setup hours multiplied by the number of machines.
b. The setup load is added to the setup load accumulator.
c. If the start date of the operation is before the requested start date, the calculated setup load is added to the past due setup accumulator.
d. The run load is calculated as follows.
1) The run start time of the operation is calculated. It equals the setup hours plus the operation start time.
2) The run time of the operation is calculated. It equals the run due time minus the run start time.
3) The labor run load equals the run time multiplied by the number of persons. The machine
e. The calculated run load is added to the run load accumulator.
f. If the start date of the operation is before the requested start date, the calculated run load is added to the past due run load accumulator.
4. If an MRP operation takes more than one day, the total load calculations are the same as for one-day operations. The past due setup accumulator, setup load accumulator, past due run load accumulator, and run load accumulator are incremented as the load is calculated for each day.
5. The JIT flows are identified (operation type = 8) and the daily load is immediately added to the corresponding load period bucket.
6. If F11 is pressed to alternate between labor and machine load calculations, the accumulators are cleared and the load calculations are begun again.
7. If F12 is pressed, the Load Detail Inquiry program (CP810E) is entered.
8. If F8 is pressed, the Workcenter Inquiry program (ME800E) is entered.