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Housekeeping - Calculations


A.   Housekeeping

1.   Work fields are defined and program constants are initialized.

2.   Parameter lists are set up for each program that is passed parameters by the calling control language program.  The fast path parameter list is set up for all online programs.

3.   Key lists are set up for each keyed file that is accessed by the program.

4.   The default company name is retrieved from the company name record (COMNAM) on the System Control file (CT100M) for output on reports.  If this information is not found, a message is sent to the system operator, a default message is used, and processing continues.

5.   The Reference file (REFERP) is used to retrieve the date format (category 049).  If this record is not found, the default format (MMDDYY) is used, a message is sent to the system operator, and processing continues.

6.   The system time and date are retrieved for reports.  The workstations and user reference ID are retrieved for screen defaults.

7.   The program Status field (PGMSTS) is set to control program processing.

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