The Customer VAT Identification List is used to identify which customers are registered with the government of each country within the European Community. The report lists the information that is used to determine whether VAT should be calculated for a particular customer. In addition, it includes the customer's name and address. Most of this information is retrieved from the Customer Master File and Customer Address File. Whether or not the customer is in an EC member state is determined by the Member State flag on Reference File category 007 for the particular country where the customer is located.
The report is requested through the Customer VAT Identification Request option on the Accounts Receivable Menu. The selection criteria used to produce the report are indicated at the top, left-hand side of the first report page. The report can be sorted either by country or by customer number. These two versions of the report are identical except for the following differences:
· If the report is sorted by country, new report headings are printed each time a new country is encountered.
· If the report is sorted by customer, the country where the customer is located is printed immediately below the customer number.