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Delivery Request Auto Input - Purpose


The Delivery Request Auto Input program (GA210E) processes delivery requests that are transmitted according to the ODETTE or VDA standards.

Translation software receives DELINS or VDA messages and automatically assigns an identification number to each message.  The identification number is the concatenation of the process date (YYMMDD), the process time (HHMMSS) and a six digit number.  A version number is also assigned to the message.  This number changes because each manual modification of the message or each acquisition process executed on the message modifies the process date and time.

The DELINS/VDA Automatic Acquisition program:

·      checks the syntax of DELINS messages (VDA messages converted in DELINS message). 

·      validates the existing delivery request releases

·      creates/updates the records on the delivery request header, release, and comment files (GA210M1, GA210M2, GA210M3)

·      records all requests in error (GA230AP)

The delivery requests are transmitted from the buyer to the supplier and contain information about blanket order, item/delivery point, valid endorsement, and the item to be delivered.  Each message can include one or more releases (detail lines) per item; the releases are expressed in quantity per period or per day.  Different validity checks are performed on the received messages:

·      Transmission check: If the transmission software detects an error, the system issues a warning and, according to the degree of the error, the whole message is refused and has to be repeated.

·      Existence check: GA210E checks the validity of the data compared with the data recorded in the blanket order (GA120M1) or in the endorsement (GA210M3).  In case of an error, all data is saved and a warning is displayed.  The user can then modify the request through the DELINS/VDA Update option on the Synchro Menu (GA215E).

·      Delivery request rules: For the same delivery request and item/delivery point relationship, the successive request releases must increase in length.  The length of a release is defined by the number of calendar days between the start and end dates of the requested period.  No overlapping periods are allowed.  From a fixed number of days (defined in category G19 in field RG19DD), the control of the release length is no longer executed (industrial months with 4 or 5 weeks).

According to the error level detected, a warning message is recorded or the delivery request in error is rejected.  Besides new messages, only messages with statuses 'FLT' (faulted), 'MOD' (modified) or 'RDY' (ready - no errors) are processed.  Messages are assigned these statuses through the DELINS/VDA Update program (GA215E) or through a previous run of GA210E.

When a message is very long, it is advisable not to reject the whole message just because of an isolated error on a segment.  A parameter (RG26PA) on category G26 allows partial DELINS/VDA acquisitions and only the wrong parts of the message are rejected.  If partial acquisition is permitted, GA210E cannot be called in simulation mode (see description below).

For each item/delivery point of a blanket order referenced in a delivery request, the process considers the releases which already exist in the system in order to consider the new releases.  Delivery request types (defined in category G11) are:

·      'Cancel and Replace' (type 1):
The previous delivery request is canceled and replaced by the new one for the associated item/delivery point relationships, starting from the first delivery date included in the new request. 

·      'Current Actualization' (type 2):
Old requests are substituted by new requests for the same period only.  Old requests with delivery dates further in the future than new requests remain unchanged.

·      Synchronization data (type 3) but not in category GM used to maintain customer CUMS in the supplier system (quantity received, last AVIEXP, etc.).

The added releases have an open status; replaced releases get a closed status.  Only the quantity and the nature (confirmed, planned) can be changed.  In addition, existing closed releases cannot be actualized.  A valid endorsement must exist for the period start date of the release of any type.  The following processes are executed for all segments, according to their type:

·      SDT Segment (Sender Identification)
This segment identifies the customer who issues the delivery request.  GA210E checks that the issuer corresponds to an active MAC-PAC ship-to customer.

·      CSG Segment (Delivery Point Identification)
This segment identifies the final delivery point.  It must correspond to an active delivery point defined in Synchro.

·      ARD Segment (Item Line - Detail)
This segment allows the user to define the blanket order, the requested item (external item number from customer point of view), and the valid endorsement for the item/delivery point.  The order unit of measure is also specified.

·      FTY Segment ( Free Text Item)
Comments associated with the item/delivery point relationship of the delivery request.

·      PDN (Recall Last Deliveries) and DST (Synchronization Data) Segments
Up to three AVIEXP message numbers can be given, and cumulative quantities.

·      DEL Segment (Shipment Detail)
This segment corresponds to a delivery request release.  It is repeated for each release belonging to the same item/delivery point relationship (ARD segment).  DEL segments of type 3 (SED 7803) are not considered.  They are considered as Synchronization data (backorder quantity).

Correctly processed messages are used to update the Delivery Request Header, Detail, and Comment files (GA210M1, GA210M2, GA210M3).  They can have two modes, 'Cancel and Replace' (type 1) and 'Current Actualization' (type 2).  In 'Cancel and Replace' mode, new records are written to these master files.  In 'Current Actualization' mode, an existing delivery request is updated.

If partial acquisition is allowed (RG26PA = 'Y' on category G26), and a minor error occurred, a message is not rejected but the segment in error is written to the Partial DELINS/VDA in Error Workfile (GA210GP).  For a message not to be rejected, blanket order, item, and item/delivery point must be correct and a valid endorsement must exist.  Category G31 is checked to see if the customer is allowed to modify firm delivery requests and if automatic acquisition is authorized for him.  If not, messages are rejected. 

Any message with a critical error (unknown order number, unknown item/delivery point relationship, release override not allowed, etc.) is rejected by GA210E, the status is set to 'FLT' on GA210DP, and the message is written to the Delivery Requests in Error file (GA230AP).  An incorrect message can be corrected through the DELINS/VDA Update (GA215E) or, especially in case of serious errors, re-entered manually through the Delivery Request Maintenance (GA130E).  A re-transmission can also be requested.

Once the corrections have been made, the user can simulate the acquisition process of one or several messages (input parameter SIMUL) through the option "DELINS/VDA Acquisition" of the Synchro Menu.  The message acquisition process is simulated online in order to check the acceptance of one or more messages for the next daily batch, but the data base is not updated.  If there are still some errors left or if some new errors are detected, they are displayed and the user can correct them through option "DELINS/VDA Update" of the Synchro Menu.  If the simulation has been successful for a message, its status is set to 'RDY' on the DELINS Index in Error Workfile (GA210DP); otherwise, it is set to 'FLT'.  In any case, both will be reprocessed during the next daily batch run by GA210E.

If GA210E is called during the daily batch or the DELINS/VDA Acquisition, its input parameter SIMUL is blank to indicate that the program is not in simulation mode.

GA210E can also be called for a selected message or a list of messages if the user presses F20 on the list screen in the DELINS/VDA Update program (GA215E).  This simulates the automatic acquisition process without updating the master files.  In this case, the CL-program GA216CLP is called with the input parameter SIMUL set to 'SIM1' for simulating a list of messages, or set to 'SIM2' for a single message.  DELINS messages to be processed are copied by GA216CLP from GA210EP (written to this workfile by GA215E) to GA210AP1.

For processing DELINS messages, Synchro uses the following workfiles:

·      GA210AP1:  Contains all messages to be processed by GA210E.  It is created by GA218E during the Daily Batch (GA290CLP) or the Delivery Request Automatic Acquisition (GA295CLP).

·      GA210BP:  Used as a workfile to write segments in error during the processing of GA210E.

·      GA210CP:  Contains the segments of the DELINS messages to be processed.  Since it is cleared during processing, the information must be copied to other DELINS/VDA message workfiles.

·      GA210DP:  Contains DELINS messages sorted by message ID.

·      GA210EP:  Contains the segments in error of a single message.  This workfile is used for simulating the automatic acquisition of a single message (input parameter SIMUL = 'SIM2').

·      GA210FP:  For report purposes, correctly acquired messages are written to this workfile.

·      GA210GP:  Used to write the segments in error during partial DELINS/VDA processing of

·      GA230AP:  For report purposes, the delivery request data of the DELINS in error are written to this file.

For each message being processed during the daily batch, segments in error are written to the workfile GA210BP.  At the end of each message, GA210BP is appended to the Erroneous DELINS file (GA210CP) and cleared by calling the CL-program GA212CLP.  Correctly acquired messages are written to the workfile GA210FP for report purposes.

In simulation mode, CL-program GA213CLP is called instead of GA212CLP to append GA210BP to GA210CP (simulation parameter SIMUL set to 'SIM1') and to clear GA210BP.  If SIMUL = 'SIM2', which means that the acquisition of only one message is simulated, GA210BP is copied to GA210EP and GA210BP is cleared afterwards.

Because there is a list of messages processed for SIMUL = 'SIM1' and their erroneous segments are written to GA210BP sorted by segment (and not message ID), they are copied to GA210CP by GA213CLP and not to GA210EP, such as for 'SIM2'.  Segments in GA210CP are sorted by message ID (using GA210DP) at the beginning of the daily batch by the DELINS Error Copy program (GA218E) into GA210AP1.  If SIMUL = 'SIM2', GA210BP contains only the erroneous segments of one message, so that these segments can be copied directly into GA210EP.  GA210EP is later copied into GA210AP1 by GA216CLP without having to be sorted again.  For information VDA delivery requests, see VDA Delivery Request Conversion program (GA209E).