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Documentation > MAC-PAC Technical Library > Distribution > Job Control > Programs > Job Control Master Inquiry - Purpose

Job Control Master Inquiry - Purpose


The Job Control Master Inquiry program (JC800E) is an online program that performs the following functions:

·     Allows the inquiry of specific jobs through the input of a selected job number on the select screen.

·     Allows the inquiry of jobs associated with a specific customer through the input of a selected customer number on the select screen.

·     Allows the inquiry of jobs associated with a specific project manager through the input of a selected project manager on the select screen.

·     Allows the inquiry of jobs associated with a specific group number through the input of a selected group number on the select screen.

·     Allows the inquiry of jobs associated with a specific sales order through the input of a selected sales order on the select screen.

·     Displays general information about the inquired data via detail screens.

·     Allows the user to enter the Job Master Maintenance program (JC100E) via F9 (Enter Maintenance).

JC800E Program Menu