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Documentation > MAC-PAC Technical Library > Distribution > Electronic Data Interchange > Programs > EDI Multi-Site Order Quantity Update - Purpose

EDI Multi-Site Order Quantity Update - Purpose


The EDI Multi-Site Order Quantity Update program (ED143E) will be called from EDI Sales Order Generation (ED140E) if the sales order transaction to be processed is a spread order (where the multi-site flag is 'Y' and the order type is 'S').  It will be called before any validation and processing is done for the spread order.  Its purpose is twofold:  1) to update the spread order's line records with the total quantity ordered for all ship-to customers on ED140AP6; and 2) to identify errors that may arise if records do not tally (such as when an ED140AP6 exists for a line that does not exist on ED140AP2) and flag them in error.  If any errors are identified in this program, ED140E will not continue processing the spread order, nor will it convert the multi-site data of the spread order into regular sales order transactions.


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