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Responsibility Report Title File Listing




DATE    2/25/92                                                                                                                                                                               PAGE   1

TIME   16:53:10


                                                                               RESPONSIBILITY REPORT TITLE FILE LISTING

                                                                                              ALL REPORTS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  HEADING  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      MAJOR         LIN

      RESP          NUM

      -----         ---

       1000          01

                              RESPONSIBILITY REPORT FOR MGR. JOHNSON

       1000          04

                             (INCLUDES SALES, CLOST OF SALES, EXPENSES, ETC.)

      MAJOR        MINOR                                                SEQ        ACCUM        DTA        PRT        EDIT        DOLLAR        UNDER

      RESP         RESP         CO         LOC         ACCOUNT          NUM        CODE         TYP        FLG        CODE         SIGN         SCORE                  LINE DESCRIPTION

      -----        -----        ---        ---        ----------        ---        -----        ---        ---        ----        ------        -----        ----------------------------------------

       1000         0100                                                 01          0           F          N           N            N            N          SALES

       1000         0100                                                 02          1           F          N           N            N            N

       1000         0200                              5COS               01          0           F          N           Y            N            N          COST OF SALES

       1000         0200                              9999999999         02          1           F          N           Y            N            N

       1000         0200                              9999999999         03          0           F          N           N            N            Y          GROSS SALES

       1000         0200                              9999999999         04          2           F          N           N            N            N

       1000         0300                                                 01          0           F          N           Y            N            N          EXPENSES AND

       1000         0300                                                 02          0           F          N           Y            N            N          OTHER CHARGES

       1000         0300                                                 03          0           F          N           Y            N            N

       1000         0300                              5SEXP              04          1           F          N           Y            N            N          (SALES AND ADMIN.)

       1000         0400                              5AMOR              01          1           F          N           Y            N            N          (AMORTIZATION)

       1000         0400                              5DEP               02          1           F          N           Y            N            N          (DEPRECIATION)

       1000         0400                              9999999999         03          0           F          N           Y            N            N

       1000         0400                              9999999999         04          0           F          N           Y            N            Y

       1000         0400                              9999999999         05          0           F          N           N            N            N          NET SALES

       1000         0400                              9999999999         06          3           F          N           N            Y            N


This report lists all headings and line descriptions used in each Responsibility Report.  In addition, the report identifies certain sequencing and processing information about each heading and line description record. 

This report can be printed in either a 132- or 198-character-wide format.  The default entry on category 025 determines which format is chosen unless an exception record is set up.  To produce an exception record for this report, set up the following record on category 025 with the program name and desired printer attribute.


Program Name


Printer Attribute



1 - 132-character format



2 - 198-character format

Note:  If GL410L is set up as an exception, GL460L and GL400E must also be set up as exception records with the same printer attribute.

For more information, see the Overview section of the Common Features User Manual.

Report Sequence (Headings)

Major responsibility code, line number.

Report Sequence (Line Descriptions)

Major responsibility code, minor responsibility code, company, location, account number, sequence number.