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General Ledger Revaluation Report




DATE     3/25/93                              ANDERSEN CONSULTING APPLICATIONS, INC                                        PAGE    1

TIME    12:06:29                              ANDERSEN SOFTWARE - MGMT ACCOUNTING DIV                                      CO    001

REPORT  GL270A                                                                                                             LOC   MAY

                                                 GENERAL LEDGER REVALUATION REPORT


Account     Account Desc                   Reval

Center      Center Desc          Cur Op    Rate      Foreign Amount       Base Amount       Revalued Amount         Gain/Loss    RC

----------  -------------------- --- -- ---------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ----------------- ---

0120C       A/P HOME VENDORS     BEF  *     .03000             33.00-                .86-                .99-               .13-  C


0120C       A/P HOME VENDORS     DEM  *     .58823            999.99-             588.22-             588.22-               .00   C


                                                                          Base Amount       Revalued Amount         Gain/Loss

                                                                      ------------------- ------------------- -------------------

             Account Total                                                        589.08-

                                                                                                      589.21-               .13-

                                                                          Base Amount       Revalued Amount         Gain/Loss

                                                                      ------------------- ------------------- -------------------

    Company/Location Total                                                      5,319.82-

                                                                                                    5,998.56-            678.74-


This report provides a listing of all revalued accounts.  This report can be printed in either a 132 or 198 character wide format.  The default entry on category 025 determines which format this report is printed in unless an exception record is set up.  To produce an exception record for this report, the following record should be set up on category 025 with the program name and desired printer attribute:


Program Name


Printer Attribute



1 - 132 character format
2 - 198 character format

For more information see the Overview section of the Common Features User Manual.

Report Sequence

There are three report sequences to choose from:

A - Account Sequence
C - Center Sequence
F - Currency Sequence