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EDI Value Added Networks (VANs)


The second EDI component, value added networks (VANs), completes the transfer of electronic data from one physical location to another.  Once your EDI system is set up, it is relatively easy to connect new trading partners.  Within a VAN, separate telecommunications equipment is used to provide compatibility between different transmission rates and formats.  This allows you to communicate easily with other trading partners regardless of their network structure.

Mailboxes and Envelopes

Think of a VAN as a series of connected customer mailboxes.  Each mailbox belongs to a trading partner.  You may submit an "envelope" of electronic data to your mailbox whenever you choose.  This envelope is addressed to one of your trading partners.  The VAN transfers the envelope to the correct mailbox and leaves a message that mail has been delivered.  Your trading partner can retrieve their mail at their leisure.  The VAN offers you the ability to send envelopes to multiple trading partners at any hour.  It does not require additional installation for new trading partners added in the future.  VANs also have the ability to communicate with other VANs that your trading partners may use.