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Function Select

RF350S01 - Function Select

WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         2/27/93

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY 350           FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name        WRITE-OFF/CHARGEBACK RSN               



                                        REASON CODE                            

                   Category Key         C2                                      




                   Request Code         1                                      


                                        1 - Add                                

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   





You may specify a two-byte reason code and the type of maintenance you wish to perform on this screen.  The reason code is associated with a write-off/chargeback transaction in the Payment Entry and Application conversation in Accounts Receivable.


Required.  Enter the two-byte reason code that you wish to maintain.


Required.  Enter the type of maintenance you wish to perform on the reason code.


RF350S02 - Detail

 WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         6/01/95

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY 350                   INQUIRE


                   Category Name        WRITE-OFF/CHARGEBACK RSN               


                                        REASON CODE                            

                   Category Key         CB                                     



            REASON CODE TYPE            AUTOMATIC CREATION                     

       Data        C                             Y                             

                   X                             Y                             


            REASON CODE DESCRIPTION        PAYMENT TERMS                       

       Data CHGBACK - OI                         P1                             

            TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT                 XX                            


            VAT ADJUSTMENT       DB MEMO        CR MEMO                        

       Data        N               DB             CR                           

                   Y               XX             XX                           


 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select





You may define the reason code on this screen.  You specify the type (write-off, chargeback, or deduction), whether the write-off, chargeback, or deduction documents are to be created automatically, the description of the code, and the payment terms to be assigned automatically created documents.  You may also specify whether you want to perform VAT recalculation for the reason code.


Required.  Enter the type of reason code you are maintaining.  Must be either W (write-off), C (chargeback), or D (deduction).


Required.  You must specify whether the write-off, chargeback, and deduction documents are to be created automatically.  Valid values are:

Y - generate documents automatically

N - do not generate documents automatically. 

For write-offs, this field must be ‘N’.  For chargebacks and deductions, this field must be ‘N’ (no) if the VAT Adjustment Field is ‘Y’ (yes).


Required.  Enter a description of the reason code you are maintaining.


Required only if the Automatic Creation flag is 'Y' (yes).  You must specify a payment terms code to be used for any chargeback or deduction documents generated based on this reason code.  You must specify a payment terms code that does not generate installments.


Optional; defaults to ‘N’ (no).  Used to indicate that VAT recalculation must be performed for this reason code.  If the VAT Adjustment flag is set to ‘Y’, then the Automatic Creation flag must be set to ‘N’.  Valid values are:

Y - Yes, perform VAT recalculation for the specified reason code.

N - No, do not perform VAT recalculation for the specified reason code.

For write-off reason codes, this flag can either be ‘Y’ or ‘N’.  For chargebacks and deductions, the flag can be ‘Y’ if the Automatic Creation flag is ‘N’.  If the write-off VAT correction flag on Reference File category 307 is set to ‘Y’ and the VAT adjustment flag on Reference File category 350 is set to ‘Y’, then a VAT adjustment will be performed in the case of chargebacks, deductions, and partial write-offs.


Required.  Used when creating replacement open items for chargebacks and deductions in the Payment Entry programs.  If the chargeback is positive, the open item created will use the debit memo document type.  This field must be defined on Reference File category 329 with a document group of ‘2’.


Required.  Used when creating replacement open items for chargebacks and deductions in the Payment Entry programs.  If the chargeback is negative, the open item created will use the credit memo document type.  This field must be defined on Reference File category 329 with a document group of ‘3’.