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Function Select

RFZ05S01 - Function Select
WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         3/04/96

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY Z05           FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name        VERTEX LIBRARIES                       



                                        BLANK KEY                              

                   Category Key                                                 




                   Request Code         4                                      


                                        1 - Add                                

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   





The Vertex Libraries category contains names of the Vertex data library and the Vertex object library used in Vertex processing.

This category has a blank key to allow only one record.


RFZ05S02 - Detail
WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         3/04/96

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY Z05                   INQUIRE


                   Category Name        VERTEX LIBRARIES                       


                                        BLANK KEY                              

                   Category Key                                                



            DATA LIBRARY                  OBJECT LIBRARY                       

       Data VTXDATA                       VTXOBJ                               

            XXXXXXXXXX                    XXXXXXXXXX                           










 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select





The detail screen contains the names of the data library and the object library used in Vertex processing.


Required.  Used to define the data library that stores the Vertex information.


Required.  Used to define the object library that stores the Vertex objects.