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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference and Help > Reference File Categories > VALID DIVISION & SECTION

Function Select

RFI62S01 - Function Select
WILLIAMS                            COMMON FEATURES                    3/15/94

 DSP01                         REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY I62      FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name        Valid Division & Section               




                   Category Key         C*ALL                                   




                   Request Code         4                                      


                                        1 - Add                                

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   





This category is used in the Client/Server modules.  Division and section IDs are used to help filter the amount of data being downloaded to your remote database.  With the proper data setup, you can download a subset of the full MAC-PAC database.  The valid division and section category is the starting point for setting up your division and section ID.  Use this category to contain and maintain a list of valid division and section IDs.

Division and section IDs are used within the MAC-PAC master files:  Customer Name and Address, Part Master, and Warehouse Description File.


Required.  This field contains the one-digit code that corresponds to the master file in which you want to setup your division and section IDs.  Enter a 'C' for Customer Name and Address, 'P' for Part Master, or 'W' for Warehouse Description.


Required.  This field contains your division ID code that corresponds to the master files.  A division ID is defined for customers, parts, and warehouses.  When you perform a net change download, you only receive the records from the master files that match your division and section ID.


Required.  This field contains your section ID code that corresponds to the master files.  A section ID is defined for customers, parts, and warehouses.  When you perform a net change download, you only receive records from the master files that match your division and section ID.


RFI62S02 - Detail
WILLIAMS                            COMMON FEATURES                    3/15/94

 DSP01                         REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY I62              INQUIRE


                   Category Name        Valid Division & Section               



                   Category Key         C*ALL                                  



            No Data                                                            












 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select





This screen has no data.  If you are adding or deleting a division or section ID, press the Enter key to process your request.