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Function Select

RF245S01 - Function Select

WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         1/30/92

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY 245           FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name         SUBMIT BATCH AUTHORITY                




                   Category Key               LOCDEVHHN                         




                   Request Code         2                                      


                                        1 - Add                                

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   





The Submit Batch Authority category is used to validate batch processing requests involving more than one company/location.  If no records exist on this category, then all users are authorized to submit batch reports.  If user specific authorization is used, a global record must first be added.  Then the specific level of user authorization can be added.  For the Accounts Payable programs, the following types of validation take place:

1)    If a blank record exists on Reference File category 245, then authority is required at the user level 2.  If not found, then everyone is authorized. 

2)    If the company/location/user id  entered on the Accounts Payable request screen is on Reference File category 245, then user is authorized to the company/location.  If not found and the location on the AP Request screen was not blank, then authority is required at user level 3.  If not found and the location on the AP Request screen was blank, then authority is required at user level 5.

3)    If location is blanked out (co/ /user id) and this record exists on Reference File category 245, then the user is authorized to all locations within the company.  If not found, then authority is required at user level 4.

4)  If company is blanked out ( /loc/user id) and this record exists on Reference File category 245, then the user is authorized to all locations within the company.  If not found, then user is not authorized to any company/locations.

5)    If both location and company are blanked out ( / /user id) and this record exists on Reference File category 245, then the user is authorized to all company/locations.  If not found, then user is not authorized to any company/locations.


Required.  The company must exist on Reference File category 002 (Entity Name).


Required.  The company-location combination must exist on Reference File category 002 (Entity Name).


Required.  Enter the signon for which authority is being granted.


RF245S02 - Detail

WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         1/30/92

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY 245                    CHANGE


                   Category Name         SUBMIT BATCH AUTHORITY                



                   Category Key               LOCDEVHHN                        



            NO DATA                                                            












 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select

 F12=Lower Case      F15=Rekey Data                                            




This category contains no data.