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Function Select

RF319S01 - Function Select

WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         2/01/92

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY 319           FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name                SHIP VIA                       



                                        SHIP VIA CODE(4) LANG CD(2)            

                   Category Key         BJ                                      




                   Request Code         2                                      


                                        1 - Add                                

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   





The Ship Via category contains the user-defined ship via codes.  Each code identifies a method for shipping an order.  This is not a required category.  If no records are created for this category, ship via codes cannot be used.

This category is an Order Processing category and should not be confused with the Purchasing category 227.


Required.  Positions 1-4.


Optional.  Positions 5-6.  To enter the description in your base language, leave this field blank.  To enter the description in a secondary language, enter the language code.  The code must be a valid language code from category D92.  This description will be used whenever customer or vendor documents are printed in the indicated language.


RF319S02 - Detail

 WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                        13/01/95

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY 319                   INQUIRE


                   Category Name                SHIP VIA                       


                                        SHIP VIA CODE(4) LANG CD(2)            

                   Category Key         S2                                     



            SHIP VIA DESCRIPTION                                               

       Data SHIP VIA S2                                                        



            VOLUME CAPACITY               WEIGHT CAPACITY                      

       Data 999999999999999               999999999999999                       

            NNNNNNNNNNNNDDD               NNNNNNNNNNNNDDD                      


            TRANSP. MEDIUM         UP/DOWN PORT         CORRECTIVE RATE        

       Data       3                      3                 000050000           

                  X                      X                 NNNNDDDDD           


 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select





Required if Order Processing is installed.  This description will print on customer/vendor documents in their default language.


Optional.  The field specifies the maximum volume that can be carried in a single shipment for the ship via defined.


Optional.  This field specifies the maximum weight that can be carried in a single shipment for the ship via defined.


Optional.  This field is used in a VAT environment when ESL/SSD management is used.  This field represents the code number of the presumed medium of transport using the appropriate community code.  The presumed mode of transport is determined by the active means of transport with which the goods are thought to have left the statistical territory of the member state of dispatch.


Optional.  This field is used in a VAT environment when ESL/SSD management is used.  This field represents the code number of the port or airport of loading using the appropriate national code.


Optional.  This field is used in a VAT environment when ESL/SDD management is used.  This field is used in the calculation of the statistical value.  The statistical value is established, on dispatch, on the basis of the taxable amount to be determined for tax purposes (amended version of the sixth VAT directive).  The taxable amount minus any taxes deductible because of the dispatch will equal the statistical value.  However, it shall also include transport and insurance cost relating to that part of the journey which takes place on the statistical territory of the member state of dispatch.  The corrective rate is intended to take care of that.