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Function Select

RFG78S01 - Function Select
WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         3/17/93

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY G78           FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name        SERIAL NO NUMERIC POSITN               



                                        PRODUCT CLASS                          

                   Category Key         01                                      




                   Request Code         4                                      


                                        1 - Add                                

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   





This category allows you to define the total number of numerics and the starting numeric position for serial numbers in the system.


Required.  This category is keyed by product class.  Enter a valid product class from Reference File category 426.


RFG78S02 - Detail
WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         3/17/93

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY G78                   INQUIRE


                   Category Name        SERIAL NO NUMERIC POSITN               


                                        PRODUCT CLASS                          

                   Category Key         01                                     



            NUMERIC STARTING POSITION          NUMBER OF NUMERICS              

       Data            03                              02                      

                       NN                              NN                      










 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select




This category allows you to define both the starting numeric position and total number of numerics in the system's 20 digit serial numbers.  For example, if the Numeric Starting Position is 03 and the Number of Numerics is 05, the serial numbers would look like this:  XXNNNNNXXXXXXXXXXXXX  with X representing an alphanumeric character and N representing a numeric character.


Required.  This is the position of the first numeric in the serial number.  It must be a valid 2 digit number not less than 01 or greater than 20.


Required.  This is the total number of numerical positions in the serial number.  It must be a valid 2 digit number not less than 01 or greater than 20.