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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference and Help > Reference File Categories > OPTIONAL AUDIT TRAIL

Function Select

RFN23S01 - Function Select
WILLIAMS                      COMMON FEATURES                         2/01/96

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY N23          FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name        OPTIONAL AUDIT TRAIL                   



                                        FILE NAME                              

                   Category Key                                                 




                   Request Code                                                


                                        1 - Add                                

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   





The Optional Audit Trail category screen allows you access to the list of non-Inventory Accounting audit trail files supported by MAC-PAC.  Within this list, you have the option of selecting which audit trails you want written or not written.  Please note that this option also affects the writing of transaction registers.  However, transaction registers will always be written if an error has occurred during processing.  Thus, if you place an 'N' in front of a file and the transaction register is still written, this is an indication that the system has found an error.

By opting not to write certain audit trails, you benefit in two ways:  you save processing time, as you will not have to manually clear out the unnecessary audit trail file, and you save space on the AS/400 by lessening the number of physical records to store.


Required.  Specifies the file name of the audit trail you wish to change or inquire about.  You may either specify a name, such as 'BD120CP1', or you may press F8 to display the available list of non-Inventory Accounting audit trail files.  Only those audit trails which do not feed into Inventory Accounting are displayed in this list. 


RFN23S02 - Detail
 WILLIAMS                      COMMON FEATURES                         2/01/96

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY N23                  INQUIRE


                   Category Name        OPTIONAL AUDIT TRAIL                   


                                        FILE NAME                              

                   Category Key         APINHBP                                



            AUDIT FLAG                      FILE DESCRIPTION                   

       Data     Y               OPEN ITEMS HEADER AUDIT TRAIL                  











 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select





This screen is used to inquire on or define file names to determine whether or not a file's corresponding audit trail will be written.  Please note that transaction registers will always be written if an error has occurred during processing.  Thus, if you inquire on a file which you have placed an 'N' in front of and its transaction register is written anyway, this is an indication that the system has found an error.


Required.  Valid values are:

Y - Audit trail for selected file will be written.

N - Audit trail for selected file will not be written.

'Y' is the default value for this flag.  Thus, you need only to determine which audit trails you do not want written.  You may place an 'N' in front of as many file names as you wish.


Optional.  Displays the file description pertaining to the file name manually entered on the Function Select screen or selected from the list of audit t