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Function Select

RFG90S01 - Function Select
WILLIAMS                            COMMON FEATURES                    3/15/94

 DSP01                         REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY G90      FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name        NET CHG PROCESSING CTL                 



                                        BLANK KEY                              

                   Category Key                                                 




                   Request Code         4                                      


                                        1 - Add                                

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   




This category is used in the Client/Server modules.  The net change processing control category contains process control information about the Data Exchange Facility.  After data synchronization processing is performed, this category is automatically updated.

This category has a blank key to allow only one record.


RFG90S02 - Detail
WILLIAMS                            COMMON FEATURES                    3/15/94

 DSP01                         REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY G90              INQUIRE


                   Category Name        NET CHG PROCESSING CTL                 


                                        BLANK KEY                              

                   Category Key                                                



              VERSION NUMBER         STATUS         VERSIONS TO RETAIN         

       Data     000000013              A                  00001                

                NNNNNNNNN              X                  NNNNN                


              DAYS TO RETAIN ORDERS               RETAIN ORDER BASE            

       Data        000000010                              O                    

                   NNNNNNNNN                              X                    


              JOURNAL START DATE(YY/MM/DD)         JOURNAL START TIME          

       Data            940218                             112530               

                       XXXXXX                             XXXXXX               


 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select





This screen allows you to define the required components necessary to control the data synchronization processing This is a required category for net change processing.


Required.  This is a display only field that contains the number of the latest versions of data after net change processing.  After net change processing is performed, this number is incremented.


Optional.  This internal field contains status of net change processing.  If net change processing is active, an 'A' displays in this field.  If net change processing is complete, a 'C' displays in this field.  You should not change the value of this field.


Required.  This field contains the number of data synchronization versions to retain before they are purged from the system.  The more versions that are retained, the longer you can wait to dial-in for changes.  However, more disk space will also be required to store these changes.


Required.  This field contains the number of days to retain the active sales orders on the remote database.  This number also represents the number of days sales orders, starting from the current days, that are downloaded during initialize processing.  Enter the number of days to retain a sales order.


Required.  This field determines which data to use in calculating whether a sales order is purged or retained.  You can retain sales order from the order date or promised ship date.


Optional.  This internal field contains the date to start the journaling process.  You should not change the date of this field.


Optional.  This internal field contains the time to start the journaling process.  You should not change the time of this field.