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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference and Help > Reference File Categories > LANGUAGE CODE CATEGORY

Function Select

RFD92S01 - Function Select
WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         2/10/92

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY D92           FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name        LANGUAGE CODE CATEGORY                 



                                        LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION                   

                   Category Key         01                                      




                   Request Code         4                                      


                                        1 - Add                                

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   





This category is used to define valid language codes.  These codes are used in the printing of customer and vendor documentation in their default languages.  Valid codes are entered on the customer and vendor master files for defaults as well as on reference file categories 005, 007, 226, 227, 236, 308, 319, 320, 321, 324, 405, 419, 430, 431, 432 and 478.


Optional.  Positions 1-2.  This description will be used in all the areas mentioned above and will define the secondary language used for translation.


RFD92S02 - Detail
 WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         2/10/92

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY D92                   INQUIRE


                   Category Name        LANGUAGE CODE CATEGORY                 


                                        LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION                   

                   Category Key         01                                     



            LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION                                               

       Data FRENCH                                                             











 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select





This screen allows you to enter a description for the language code.  The other reference files descriptions will be translated into this language.


Optional.  Enter the name of a language other than the system's base language.