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Function Select

RFM05S01 - Function Select
 WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         1/12/94

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY M05           FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name        ESL/SSD PO TYPES DFLTS                 



                                        PO TYPE                                

                   Category Key         P                                       




                   Request Code         1                                      


                                        1 - Add                                

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   




The ESL/SSD PO Types Defaults category is used only in a VAT environment when ESL/SSD management is used.

This category is optional.  It contains the default regimes and default natures of a Purchase Order Receipt transaction.  The values are used in the extract process to format the regime and nature of SSD transaction records.


Required.  Enter the purchase order type.  This field should exist on Reference File category 437.



RFM05S02 - Detail
 WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         1/01/95

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY M05                   INQUIRE


                   Category Name        ESL/SSD PO TYPES DFLTS                 


                                        PO TYPE                                

                   Category Key         B                                      



            FISCAL REGIME                                                      

       Data      19                                                            



            NATURES:   NML   RET   GSP                                         

       Data            13    23    43                                          

                       XX    XX    XX                                          






 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select




This screens allows you to maintain the default information for fiscal regimes and natures.


Optional.  If a fiscal regime is entered, it has to exist on the Authorized Fiscal Regimes category, M03.  A fiscal regime specifies the taxable mode of the goods.  Fiscal regimes are listed on Intrastat (SSD) reports in some EC countries.

For Purchase Order Receipts, in the SSD extract process, the hierarchy to retrieve the regime of acquisition of the SSD PO receipt transaction is as follows:

1)  Retrieve the regime from the ESL/SSD PO Types Defaults category keyed by Type of Purchase Order.  This is intended to cover most of the cases.

For specific values, users may change transaction regimes by using the SSD Transaction Maintenance conversation.

2)  If no record is found on the ESL/SSD PO Types Defaults category, transaction regimes will default from the CO/WHS ESL/SSD Defaults category.

3)  If no record is found on this category, the SSD Purchase Order Receipt transaction will be listed as an 'In error transaction' on the SSD Transaction Maintenance conversation.


Optional.  If a nature of acquisition is entered in one of the three fields, it has to exist on the Authorized Natures Codes Reference File category, M02.

Natures values (first digit) are common to all EC countries.  It identifies the type of contract and gives economical information on received goods.

The second digit, if used, gives a higher level of detail.  The nature of acquisition, if entered on this category, will be used in the following cases:

Purchase Order Receipts

In the SSD extract process, the hierarchy to retrieve the nature of acquisition of the SSD Purchase Order Receipt transaction is as follows:

1)  Retrieve the nature from the ESL/SSD PO Types Defaults category keyed by Type of Purchase Order.  It is also based on the adjustment code and the transaction value.

If the adjustment code is blank and the transaction value is different from zero, then the normal nature will be retrieved.

If the adjustment code is 'R', the return nature will be retrieved.

If the transaction value is zero, the gift, sample, and prize nature will be retrieved.

This is intended to cover most of the cases.

For specific values, users may change transaction natures by using the SSD Transaction Maintenance conversation.

2)  If no record is found on the ESL/SSD PO Types Defaults category, transaction natures will default from the CO/WHS ESL/SSD defaults category with the same logic as in point 1):  If the adjustment code is blank and the transaction value is different from zero, the normal nature will be retrieved.

If the adjustment code is 'R', the return nature will be retrieved.

If the transaction value is zero, the gift, sample, and prize nature will be retrieved.

3)  If no record is found on this category, the SSD Purchase Order Receipt transaction will be listed as an 'In error transaction' on the SSD Transaction Maintenance conversation.