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Function Select

RFG95S01 - Function Select
WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         5/24/94

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY G95           FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name           DISCOUNT HIERARCHY                  



                                        CO(3) LOC(3)                           

                   Category Key         001BEL                                  




                   Request Code         2                                      


                                        1 - Add                                

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   





This category allows you to determine the order in which discounts are applied to the base price of a sales order line.  Each company/location in the system must have a corresponding record for this category.


Required.  Indicates the company/location combination for which you wish to define a discount hierarchy.


RFG95S02 - Detail
WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         5/24/94

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY G95                    CHANGE


                   Category Name           DISCOUNT HIERARCHY                  


                                        CO(3) LOC(3)                           

                   Category Key         001BEL                                 



            CUSTOMER             HEADER            LINE                        

       Data    0                   1                2                          

               N                   N                N                          










 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select

 F12=Lower Case      F15=Rekey Data                                            




This screen allows you to define how discounts will be applied to orders within the company/location entered on the Function Select screen.  On this screen, you can determine processing for three types of discounts:  customer, header, and line.  The values established for these discount types effect the sales order lines' discount amounts and unit prices.  Processing for other discount types is automatically determined -- contractual discounts are always applied directly to the base price, volume discounts are always applied after all other discounts.

Note:  Each company/location does not need to establish a discount hierarchy.  If you do not wish to use a complex discounting structure and do not set up a record on category G95, the hierarchy will default to values of 000.


Required.  Indicates how you want customer discounts to be applied.  Valid values are:

0 - Apply the discount to the base price.

1 - Apply the discount to the base price after all 0 level discounts have been applied.

2 - Apply the discount to the base price after all 0 and 1 level discounts have been applied.

3 - Apply the discount to the base price after all 0, 1, and 2 level discounts have been applied.


Required.  Indicates how you want header discounts to be applied.  Valid values are:

0 - Apply the discount to the base price.

1 - Apply the discount to the base price after all 0 level discounts have been applied.

2 - Apply the discount to the base price after all 0 and 1 level discounts have been applied.

3 - Apply the discount to the base price after all 0, 1, and 2 level discounts have been applied.

Note:  You can enter up to five header discounts on one order.  If you choose level 0 for header discounts, all applicable header discounts will be applied to the base price.  If you specify level 1, 2, or 3, each applicable header discount will be applied to the net result of the pervious header discount calculation within that level.


Required.  Indicates how you want line discounts to be applied.  Valid values are:

0 - Apply the discount to the base price.

1 - Apply the discount to the base price after all 0 level discounts have been applied.

2 - Apply the discount to the base price after all 0 and 1 level discounts have been applied.

3 - Apply the discount to the base price after all 0, 1, and 2 level discounts have been applied.