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Function Select

RFH70S01 - Function Select
WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         3/30/94

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY H70           FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name        DELINS VARIANCE PERIODS                



                                        CO /WHS                                

                   Category Key         001BEL                                  




                   Request Code         4                                      


                                        1 - Add                                

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   





This category allows you to define the parameters used in the DELINS Variance Analysis when the DELINS acquisition is processed.


Required.  Enter the company whose default information you are defining.  The value you enter in the Warehouse field on this screen must form a valid company/warehouse that exists on the Warehouse Description File (IC170M).


Required.  Enter the warehouse whose default information you are defining.  The value you enter in this field and the value you entered in the Company field on this screen must combine to form a valid company/warehouse that exists on the Warehouse Description File (IC170M).

When processing the DELINS Variance Analysis, this category will be accessed with the sender company/warehouse coming from the endorsement which is valid at the first release's start date (segment DEL).


RFH70S02 - Detail
WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         3/30/94

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY H70                   INQUIRE


                   Category Name        DELINS VARIANCE PERIODS                


                                        CO /WHS                                

                   Category Key         001BEL                                 



            PER 1: DAYS  VARIANCE %-  %+   PER 2: DAYS  VARIANCE %-  %+        

       Data         00            00  00           00            00  00        

                    NN            NN  NN           NN            NN  NN        


            PER 3: DAYS  VARIANCE %-  %+   PER 4: DAYS  VARIANCE %-  %+        

       Data         00            00  00           00            00  00        

                    NN            NN  NN           NN            NN  NN        


            VARIANCE ANALYSIS REQUESTED                                        

       Data             N                                                      



 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select






This detail screen allows you to define the parameters used in the DELINS Variance Analysis when the DELINS acquisition is processed.


Optional.  Specify the number of days in the first period.  This field can be left zero; in this case the percentages of tolerated variances must also be left zero as well as the number of days of the following periods.


Optional.  Specify the positive and negative percentages of tolerance beyond which the quantity of variance will be printed.  These fields must be left zero if the corresponding number of days is left zero.

PER 2, 3, and 4: DAYS

Optional.  Specify the number of days in the first period.  This field can be left zero; in this case, the percentage of tolerated variances must also be left zero as well as the number of days of the following periods.

The specified number of days must include the number of days of the previous period; therefore, it must be greater than it.


Optional.  Specify the positive and negative percentages of tolerance beyond which the quantity of variance will be printed.  These data must be left zero if the corresponding number of days is left zero.


Required.  Must be 'Y' or 'N'.  Specify if the DELINS Variance Analysis has to be processed ('Y') or not ('N') when the next DELINS Acquisition will be performed.