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Function Select

RFN05S01 - Function Select
 WILLIAMS                      COMMON FEATURES                         5/22/95

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY N05           FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name        BPM DEFAULT VALUES                     



                                        BLANK KEY                              

                   Category Key                                                 




                   Request Code                                                


                                        1 - Add                                 

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   




The Business Process Manager (BPM) Default Values Reference File category allows you to specify BPM processing parameters and the valid values for the extraction frequency code, sort sequence code, and extract program type.

This category has a blank key to allow for only one record.


RFN05S02 - Detail
 WILLIAMS                      COMMON FEATURES                         5/22/95

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY N05                    CHANGE


                   Category Name        BPM DEFAULT VALUES                     


                                        BLANK KEY                              

                   Category Key                                                




       Data 001         110000         M/D        DLY     WLY    MLY           

            NNN         NNNNNN         XXX        XXX     XXX    XXX           



       Data ASC        DSC          AAS            ADS                          

            XXX        XXX          XXX            XXX                         


            QRY-REPORT  QRY-FILE    PROGRAM    AUTO ACT CONTROL                

       Data QRR         QRF         PGM        001                             

            XXX         XXX         XXX        NNN                             


 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select

 F12=Lower Case      F15=Rekey Data                                            



The Business Process Manager (BPM) Default Values Detail screen allows you to specify BPM processing parameters and valid values for the extraction frequency code, sort sequence code, and extract program type.

You can specify four event extraction frequency codes.  The four valid frequencies are multiple times per day, daily, weekly, and monthly.  The codes you specify for each of the extraction frequencies can be used on the Event Maintenance Detail screen to define the frequency with which event information is extracted.  Descriptions for each of the extraction frequency codes must first be defined in Reference File category N01.

You can also specify four sort sequence codes.  The four valid sort sequences are ascending, descending, absolute ascending, and absolute descending.  The codes you specify for each of the sort sequences can be used on the Event Maintenance Detail screen to define the order in which events of a specific type should be sorted on the New Events Detail screen.  Descriptions for each of the sort sequences must first be defined in Reference File category N06.

There are three valid extract program types:  query report, query file, and RPG or CL program.  The codes you specify for each of the sort sequences can be used on the Event Maintenance Detail screen to indicate the type of extract program that should be written for a specific type of event.  Descriptions for each of the extract types must first be defined in Reference File category N07.


Required.  The frequency, expressed in minutes, with which the BPM monitor should check the Event Master file for event extraction programs or queries that are due to be run.


Required.  The time the BPM Asynchronous Monitor should automatically shut down each day.


Required.  Enter the code to be used as the value for the extraction frequency of multiple times per day.  If this code is chosen when defining an event type on the Event Maintenance Detail screen, the BPM Asynchronous Monitor will check for new events of that type throughout the day at the user-defined interval specified for the event type.


Required.  Enter the code to be used as the value for the daily extraction frequency.  If this code is chosen when defining an event type on the Event Maintenance Detail screen, the BPM Asynchronous Monitor program will check for new events of that type at the end of the day when the monitor automatically shuts down.


Required.  Enter the code to be used as the value for the weekly extraction frequency.  If this code is chosen when defining an event type on the Event Maintenance Detail screen, the BPM Asynchronous Monitor will check for new events of that type each week at the end of the user-specified day when the monitor automatically shuts down.

Extract processing is performed on the same day each week, starting on the date specified as the first extract date.  For example, if the first extract date is April 6 (Thursday) and the weekly frequency is chosen, extract processing will occur when the BPM Asynchronous Monitor shuts down on each subsequent Thursday.


Required.  Enter the code to be used as the value for the monthly extraction frequency.  If this code is chosen when defining an event type on the Event Maintenance Detail screen,  the BPM Asynchronous Monitor will check for new events of that type each month on a user-specified date at the end of the day when the monitor automatically shuts down.


Required.  Enter the code to be used as the value for the ascending sort sequence.  If this code is chosen when defining an event type, information for events of that type will be displayed on the New Events Detail screen in ascending order, based on the control value for the event type.


Required.  Enter the code to be used as the value for the descending sort sequence.  If this code is chosen when defining an event type, information for events of that type will be displayed on the New Events Detail screen in descending order, based on the control value for the event type.


Required.  Enter the code to be used as the value for the absolute ascending sort sequence.  If this code is chosen when defining an event type, information for events of that type will be displayed on the New Events Detail screen in ascending order, based on the absolute value of the control value for the event type.


Required.  Enter the code to be used as the value for the absolute descending sort sequence.  If this code is chosen when defining an event type, information for events of that type will be displayed on the New Events Detail screen in descending order, based on the absolute value of the control value for the event type.


Required.  Enter the code to be used as the value for the query report extract type.  If this code is chosen when defining an event type, the information about the occurrence of an event of that type will be extracted by a query and printed on a report.  The information will not be routed to users online.


Required.  Enter the code to be used as the value for the query file extract type.  If this code is chosen when defining an event type, the information about the occurrence of an event of that type will be extracted by a query and routed to users online, based on the information entered on the Event Maintenance Dispatch screen.


Required.  Enter the code to be used as the value for the program extract type.  If this code is chosen when defining an event type, the information about the occurrence of an event of that type will be extracted by an RPG program and routed to users online, based on the information entered on the Event Maintenance Dispatch screen.


Required.  The number of consecutive BPM event records to step through in the Event Manager conversation using the automatic action for the event type before giving the user the option of quitting.