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Function Select

RFD39S01 - Function Select
WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         3/16/93

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY D39           FUNCTION SELECT



                   Category Name          AP MATCH INFORMATION                 



                                        CO(3) LOC(3)                           

                   Category Key         001BRU                                  




                   Request Code         1                                      


                                        1 - Add                                

                                        2 - Change                             

                                        3 - Delete                             

                                        4 - Inquire                            




 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F7=End Category     F8=Display List   





This category allows you to define the matching environment in Accounts Payable for each company/location.  You are allowed to specify the type of error to be sent to the user for incorrect account/centers, whether automatic matching is used in the invoice entry and maintenance conversations, the quantity/amount tolerance limits for automatic matching, and the processing to be performed when tolerance limits are exceeded.


RFD39S02 - Detail
WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         4/20/95

 DSP01                    REFERENCE FILE CATEGORY D39                   INQUIRE


                   Category Name          AP MATCH INFORMATION                 


                                        CO(3) LOC(3)                           

                   Category Key         001BRU                                 



            WARNING/CRITICAL         AUTO MATCH - ENTRY                        

       Data        W                       N                                   

                   X                       Y                                   


            AUTO MATCH - MAINT       QTY TOLERANCE %    AMT TOLERANCE %        

       Data        Y                       100               050               

                   Y                       NND               NND               



       Data        H                       Y                   W               

                   X                       Y                   X               


 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Inquiry          F10=Function Select




Required.  Enter either 'W' (warning) or 'C' (critical).  If the account/center entered on the invoice distribution line is not the same as the retrieved purchase order accrual account/center during a match, either a warning or critical error will be given.  A warning displays a message on the screen.  A critical error requires entering the account/center correctly.


Required.  You must specify whether you wish to perform automatic matching during invoice entry.  Valid values are:

Y - Perform automatic matching.

N - Do not perform automatic matching. 

This field defaults to N.


Required.  You must specify whether you wish to perform automatic matching during invoice maintenance.  Valid values are:

Y - Perform automatic matching.

N - Do not perform automatic matching. 

This field defaults to N.


Required.  You must specify the maximum quantity tolerance percentage for an automatic match to be valid.  You may enter a number between 00.0 and 99.9 to be used as the valid tolerance range.  For a match to be valid, the invoice quantity and the receipt quantity must not vary by more than this percentage.  This field defaults to 000.


Required.  You must specify the maximum amount tolerance percentage for an automatic match to be valid.  You may enter a number between 00.0 and 99.9 to be used as the valid tolerance range.  For a match to be valid, the invoice amount and receipt amount must not vary by more than this percentage.  This field defaults to 000.


Required.  You must specify the type of processing to be performed if tolerance limits are exceeded during automatic matching.  Valid values are:

W - Perform match and display a warning that tolerance was exceeded.

H - Perform match and place the invoice on hold.


Required.  You must specify whether you wish to match receipts that are waiting for, or in the process of quality control.  Valid values are:

Y - Perform matching on receipts awaiting quality control.

N - Do not perform manual or automatic matching on receipts awaiting quality control.

This field defaults to ‘N’.


Required.  You must specify the type of processing to be performed if receipts awaiting quality control are being matched.  Valid values are:

W - Perform match and display a warning if receipts are awaiting quality control.

H - Perform match and place invoice on hold if receipts are awaiting quality control.

B - Perform match and if receipts are awaiting quality control, display a warning and place the invoice on hold.