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Transaction Type


Indicates whether the transaction recorded labor or machine hours as:

MAC - Direct Machine Transaction

LAB - Direct Labor Transaction

Identifies the type of inventory transaction.  Values are:

ADJ - Inventory Adjustment

CCA - Cycle Count Adjustment

ISS - Component Issue

RECT - Manufacturing Order Receipt

SHIP - Sales Order Shipment

TRAN - Inventory Transfer

BYP - By-Product Receipt (produced component)

Indicates the type of transaction to be recorded.  Valid values are:

D - Direct machine hours

I - Indirect machine hours

Indicates the type of transaction being processed.  Valid values are:

Add - Add transaction

Change - Change transaction

Indicates the type of transaction that occurred.  Valid values are:

Original - Newly created

Before - Before update transaction

After - After update transaction

Indicates the whether payment is newly or previously entered.  Valid values are:

After - What the payment looked like after update.

Before - What the payment looked like before an update

Original - A newly-entered payment