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Engineering Change Order


Engineering change orders (ECOs) are used in the Design Engineering and Bill of Document modules.  They indicate a change in the engineering specifications for a part. 

For each engineering change, you must specify a unique change order number and a description of the change.  You can also specify the date on which the change goes into effect, the reason for the change, and the planner who authorized the change.  This information is stored on the Engineering Change File, which is maintained in Design Engineering (DE). 

When you maintain a product structure in DE, you can specify the ECO that caused the change.  The structure will then be changed as of the ECO's effectivity date.  Within Bill of Documents, you can specify the related ECO for any change to the relationship between part and document.  As in DE, the effectivity date of the ECO will be used to determine when the document structure records should be updated for the change.