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Customer Price Code


The customer price code specifies the pricing method used for a particular customer for the warehouse balance pricing method.  It is defined on the Customer Master File but can be overridden on Order Processing or Accounts Receivable screens.  The price code is retrieved for the customer and part files to control how each line on a sales order is priced.  The following types of codes are allowed:

0    Automatic pricing.  The part's price code is used to determine the price. 

1-5  Forced pricing.  The quantity price break or percent discount will be used, regardless of the quantity ordered.  For example, a customer price code of 3 indicates that the price for the third quantity break or discount percent will be used. 

6    Manual pricing.  The unit price or extended price must be entered for each item.  If unit price is entered, the system calculates the extended price, and vice versa. 

7    Sample pricing.  The operator can order and ship sample goods at a unit price of zero.  This will generate a warning message on the Price Exception Report. 

8    No charge.  Same as sample pricing. 

9    Contract pricing.  The operator can order and ship goods at special prearranged prices or discounts off base prices.