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Bill-to Customer

Also referred to as the Sold-to Customer.  The customer who will receive the invoice for ordered goods.  All open items associated with the sales or quote order will appear on the account of this customer.  Credit checking and pricing are based on information for this customer.  In Sales Analysis, the order amount will be included in the totals for this customer's product class. 

The bill-to customer is specified on the order header.  The ordered goods will be sent to the Ship-to Customer.  When the bill-to customer number is the same as the ship-to customer number, the order is billed and shipped to the same location. 

Billing information must be defined for a customer before that customer can be specified as the bill-to customer for an order. 

On the bill-to customer's Customer Master File record, you can specify whether a relationship record must exist before you can specify a bill-to/ship-to combination for an order.  Relationship records are defined using the Bill-to/Ship-to Customer Relationship conversation.  You can also specify that the system create a relationship record automatically each time a new bill-to/ship-to combination is used.