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Available for Planning

Indicates whether inventory stored in this warehouse is considered available to meet demand in the Master Scheduling and Requirements Planning modules.  For a manufacturing warehouse (Manufacturing Site = Y), this field must be Y (yes).  For a distribution warehouse, the field must be either Y (yes) or N (no).  If the field is Y for a distribution warehouse, MS and RP will add the distribution inventory at the warehouse to the total inventory available within the plant to meet demand.  If the field is N, the inventory will not be included in the total.  As for lot and potency control this flag will default to Y if you are adding a new lot.  If the flag is set to Y, lot-controlled, potency-controlled parts are available for planning.  If the flag is set to N, all location planning balances will be reset to zero, regardless of the actual standard balance or the calculated potent balance.  If you change the flag, the Net Change Flag on the Part Master File will be reset to "1" (reanalyze) in every plant in which the lot exists.  When the flag is reset, MRP then reanalyzes the beginning inventory balances.