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CF120S03 - Reference File Maintenance



WILLIAMS                       COMMON FEATURES                         9/01/92

 DSP01                     REFERENCE FILE MAINTENANCE             CATEGORY  413

                            OP SYSTEM DEFAULTS CONT.                            



         S CO(3) LOC(3)                  DATA                                  

           001BEL                        FREIGHT        0000RDREGN00000        

           001BER                        FREIGHT        0000RDREGN10000        

           001BES                        FREIGHT        0000RDREGN00000        

           001BRU                        FREIGHT        0000RDREGN00000        

           001BRV                        FREIGHT        0000RDREGN00000        

           001CHI                        FREIGHT        0000RDREGN00000        

           001DW1                        FREIGHT        0000RDREGN00000        

           001ITL                        FREIGHT        0000RDREGN00000        

           001ROM                        FREIGHT        0000RDREGN00001        

           002CHJ                        FREIGHT        0000RDREGN00000        

           002WAS                        FREIGHT        0000RDREGN00000        

           002WAT                        FREIGHT        0000RDREGN00000        



 Select "I" for Inquiry; "C" for Change; "D" for Delete                        


 F6=Fold/Truncate    F7=End Category                                           



This screen is displayed when you press F8 from the Reference File Maintenance Function Select screen.  It lists all records that have been defined on the category.  You can use the Select (S) field to indicate which records you want to view, change, or delete.


Optional.  Type a character in this field to select a record for maintenance.  Valid values are:

I - Inquiry.  Displays the detail screen with date for the record.  The data cannot be changed.

C - Change.  Displays the detail screen with data for this record.  The data can be modified.

D - Delete.  Displays the detail screen with the data for this record, allowing you to verify that you really wish to delete the information.


Display only.  This column displays whatever key data was defined for each record on the category.  Each category has different key data.  The fields comprising the key are indicated at the top of the column.  To access the detailed information for a category record, you would typically enter the key information on the Function Select screen.


Display only.  The detailed data fields that have been defined for the category record.  The particular fields are different for each category.


Enter - Display the Reference File Maintenance Detail screen for the selected record.

F6    - Display a second line of data for each record.  If the second line of data is displayed, pressing F6 removes it.

F7    - Display the Reference File Maintenance Select screen, allowing you to specify another category.