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Currency Rate Maintenance Audit Trail




DATE    2/27/92                                                                                                         PAGE       1

TIME   15:30:22


                                                  CURRENCY RATE MAINTENANCE

                                                           AUDIT TRAIL

                     FUNC             RATE                                FR            TO   POST     POST     TRANS    TRANS


---- ---------- ---- ---- --- --- --- ---- ------------------------------ -- ---------- -- -------- -------- -------- --------

ADD  PTF        OLU  1    005 001 USD      U.S. DOLLARS                   *     1.00000 /   9/04/91 17:39:53  9/04/91 17:39:53

FROM PTF        OLU  2    002 002 CAN      CANADIAN DOLLARS               *     1.25000 /   9/17/91 14:54:12  9/17/91 14:54:12

TO                                                                        /             *

ADD  PTF        OLU  1    001 001 BEF      BELGIAN FRANK                  *    38.00000 /  10/01/91 15:29:55 10/01/91 15:29:55

ADD  PTF        OLU  1    001 001 DEM      DEUTSHCE MARK                  *     1.70000 /  10/01/91 15:29:56 10/01/91 15:29:56

ADD  PTF        OLU  1    001 001 ITL      ITALIAN LIRE                   *  1300.00000 /  10/01/91 15:29:56 10/01/91 15:29:56

ADD  PTF        OLU  1    001 001 FRF      FRENCH FRANK                   *     6.00000 /  10/01/91 15:29:56 10/01/91 15:29:56

ADD  PTF        OLU  1    002 003 BEF      BELGIUM FRANK                  *    38.00000 /  10/01/91 15:42:20 10/01/91 15:42:20

ADD  PTF        OLU  1    002 003 DEM      DEUTSCHE MARK                  *     1.70000 /  10/01/91 15:42:20 10/01/91 15:42:20

ADD  PTF        OLU  1    002 003 ITL      ITALIAN LIRE                   *  1300.00000 /  10/01/91 15:42:20 10/01/91 15:42:20

ADD  PTF        OLU  1    002 003 FRF      FRENCH FRANK                   *     6.00000 /  10/01/91 15:42:21 10/01/91 15:42:21

ADD  PTF        OLU  1    001 001 DMK      DEUTSCH MARKS                  /     1.90000 *  10/03/91 19:45:50 10/03/91 19:45:50

ADD  V63        OLU  1    002 001 CAN      CANADIAN DOLLARS               *     1.00000 /   4/19/91 13:52:56  4/19/91 13:52:56

ADD  V63        OLU  1    002 001 USD      UNITED STATES DOLLARS          *     1.25000 /   4/19/91 13:52:56  4/19/91 13:52:56

ADD  V63        OLU  1    002 002 USD      UNITED STATES DOLLARS          *     1.00000 /   4/19/91 13:53:38  4/19/91 13:53:38

ADD  V63        OLU  1    002 002 CAN      CANADIAN DOLLARS               *     1.25000 /   4/19/91 13:53:38  4/19/91 13:53:38

FROM V63        OLU  2    002 001 USD      UNITED STATES DOLLARS          *     1.25000 /   4/19/91 13:53:54  4/19/91 13:53:54

TO                                                                               .83300

ADD  V63        OLU  1    002 003 USD      UNITED STATES DOLLARS          *     1.00000 /   4/19/91 13:54:23  4/19/91 13:54:23

ADD  V63        OLU  1    002 003 CAN      CANADIAN DOLLARS               *     1.25000 /   4/19/91 13:54:23  4/19/91 13:54:23

ADD  V63        OLU  1    001 001 USD 01   US DOLLARS                     /     1.00000 *   5/01/91  8:36:54  5/01/91  8:36:54

ADD  V63        OLU  1    001 001 CAN 01   CANADIAN DOLLARS               *      .80000 /   5/01/91  8:36:54  5/01/91  8:36:54

ADD  V63        OLU  1    002 002 GDM      GERMAN DEUTSCH MARCS           *     2.00000 /   5/14/91 14:23:35  5/14/91 14:23:35


The Currency Rate Maintenance Audit Trail report (CF540A) provides an audit trail of all maintenance transactions posted to the Currency Rate Master File.  The report shows the contents of all Currency Rate Master File fields both before updating (except for add transactions) and after updating (except for delete transactions).  File inquiry transactions are not included on the report.  Security information, such as the date and time each maintenance transaction was performed and the workstation and operator that performed the transaction, is also printed.

Report Sequence

Company, Location, Currency Code.