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Purchase Receipts and Price Variance Detail




DATE    2/21/92                                       ANDERSEN SOFTWARE COMPANY                                          PAGE     1

TIME   11:32:09                                                                                                          CO

REPORT  IA-530A                                                                                                          LOC

                                             PURCHASE RECEIPTS AND PRICE VARIANCE DETAIL             REQUESTOR WILLIAMS

                                                         FISCAL PERIOD: 00

PART NUMBER/                  RECEIPT    QUANTITY                                                            PRICE VARIANCE/

DESCRIPTION               WHS   NO       RECEIVED                        UNIT COST         EXTENDED COST     STD CHG VARIANCE

------------------------- --- ------- --------------                 -----------------   -----------------   -----------------

MPC1505 No records within specified range


The Purchase Receipts and Price Variance Detail Report prints all purchase order receipt transactions.  It lists the purchase cost of the receipt, the standard value of the inventory at the time of receipt, and the standard value at the end of the period.  The difference between the purchase cost and the standard at receipt is expressed as purchase price variance; the difference between standard at receipt and standard at period end is expressed as standard change variance.  The report provides an audit trail of purchase receipts and is a tool for analyzing the validity of standard cost and the effectiveness of purchasing.

Report Sequence

Company, location, part, warehouse, purchase order number.