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Job Cost Report - Summary and Plant Summary




DATE    9/01/92                               ANDERSEN SOFTWARE                                                          PAGE   25

TIME   12:25:29                                            JOB COST REPORT                         CURRENCY CODE  BEF

REPORT JA520B                                               PLANT SUMMARY                          REQUESTOR  WILLIAMS

JOB       JOB001X          STANDARD JOB INTROSPECT XXX         PROJECT MANAGER                                           STATUS  O

CUSTOMER  C04              APPELMANS SC                        JOB GROUP

 PLANT  BEL                                                                                           VARIANCE FROM PLAN


                                   PLANNED              ACTUAL            PROJECTED               ACTUAL            PROJECTED

                              ------------------  ------------------  ------------------    ------------------  ------------------

  MATERIAL                            4,100.00                  .00                 .00              4,100.00-           4,100.00-

  LABOR                                    .00                  .00                 .00                   .00                 .00

  OVERHEAD                                 .00                  .00                 .00                   .00                 .00

  MISCELLANEOUS COSTS                      .00                  .00                 .00                   .00                 .00

  ADDITIONAL JOB CHARGES                   .00                  .00                 .00                   .00                 .00

                             ------------------   ------------------  ------------------    ------------------  ------------------

  TOTAL COST OF JOB                   4,100.00                  .00                 .00              4,100.00-           4,100.00-

                             ==================   ==================  ==================    ==================  ==================

  PERCENT COMPLETE                                                   0%


This report lists planned, actual, and projected costs for a job.  It also indicates variances between both actual and planned and projected and planned costs.  These costs are further divided by plant into material, labor, overhead, miscellaneous costs, and additional job charges.  If the Shop Floor Module is installed, a percent complete will be calculated and printed at the bottom of the report.  The report can be requested for a specific job, a project manager, a job group, or all jobs.

A summary report for each job across all plants is also generated.

Report Sequence

Job Group, Project Manager, Job, Plant.