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Job Cost Report - Detail




DATE    9/01/92                               ANDERSEN SOFTWARE                                                          PAGE     22

TIME   12:25:29                                            JOB COST REPORT                         CURRENCY CODE  BEF

REPORT JA520A                                                                                      REQUESTOR  WILLIAMS

JOB       JOB001X          STANDARD JOB INTROSPECT XXX         PROJECT MANAGER                                           STATUS   O

CUSTOMER  C04              APPELMANS SC                        JOB GROUP

                                                                                                          VARIANCE FROM PLAN


                                               QUANTITY         UNIT COST            TOTAL            QUANTITY          TOTAL

                                           --------------- ------------------- ------------------ --------------- ------------------


CPU             COMPUTER CPU               UM EA                PLANT BEL            BASE CURRENCY  BEF

    REQUIREMENTS COVERED BY JOB P.O.S                .000         90.0000000                 .00

    UNCOVERED REQUIREMENTS                         20.000         90.0000000            1,800.00

                                           ---------------                     ------------------

        TOTAL PLANNED                              20.000         90.0000000            1,800.00

    JOB PURCHASES                                    .000         90.0000000                 .00

    NET TRANSFERS TO(FROM) JOB INVENTORY             .000         90.0000000                 .00

    ISSUES FROM GROUP INVENTORY                      .000         90.0000000                 .00

    ISSUES FROM COMMON INVENTORY                     .000         90.0000000                 .00

    ADJUSTMENTS                                      .000         90.0000000                 .00

    BY-PRODUCTS                                      .000         90.0000000                 .00

                                           ---------------                     ------------------

        TOTAL ACTUAL FOR PART                        .000           .0000000                 .00          20.000-          1,800.00-

        PROJECTED                                    .000           .0000000                 .00          20.000-          1,800.00-

KEYBOARD        COMPUTER KEYBOARD          UM EA                PLANT BEL            BASE CURRENCY  BEF

    REQUIREMENTS COVERED BY JOB P.O.S                .000         50.0000000                 .00

    UNCOVERED REQUIREMENTS                         20.000         50.0000000            1,000.00

                                           ---------------                     ------------------

        TOTAL PLANNED                              20.000         50.0000000            1,000.00

    JOB PURCHASES                                    .000         50.0000000                 .00

    NET TRANSFERS TO(FROM) JOB INVENTORY             .000         50.0000000                 .00

    ISSUES FROM GROUP INVENTORY                      .000         50.0000000                 .00

    ISSUES FROM COMMON INVENTORY                     .000         50.0000000                 .00

    ADJUSTMENTS                                      .000         50.0000000                 .00

    BY-PRODUCTS                                      .000         50.0000000                 .00

                                           ---------------                     ------------------

        TOTAL ACTUAL FOR PART                        .000           .0000000                 .00          20.000-          1,000.00-

        PROJECTED                                    .000           .0000000                 .00          20.000-          1,000.00-


This report lists planned, actual, and projected costs for a job, as well as variances from planned costs.  The quantities and unit costs on which these costs are based are also listed.  The report can be requested for a specific job, a project manager, a job group, or all jobs.

Cost information is broken down by plant into the following cost categories:  material, labor, overhead, miscellaneous costs, and additional job charges (listed on the report in that order).  Material costs are further divided between job-controlled part costs and non job-controlled part costs; job-controlled part costs are broken down by inventory transaction.  Labor, overhead, and miscellaneous costs are broken down by workcenter.

For more information about how the costs on this report are calculated, refer to the Key Concepts section of this manual, and the Job Cost Report Program description in the Job Costing Program Documentation Manual.

Report Sequence

Job Group, Project Manager, Job, Plant, Cost Type.