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Job Cost Generation Exception




DATE    9/01/92                                                                                                         PAGE       1

TIME   12:20:35


                                                        JOB COST GENERATION

                                                          EXCEPTION REPORT

 REF NO/    REQUESTOR/            JOB/             W/C NO/      REF1/    ----------------  ERROR  --------------------------------

 RQST TYPE  SELECTION CRITERIA    PART NUMBER      ORDER NO     REF2      CODE                              MESSAGE

----------  --------------------  ---------------  --------  ----------  -------  ------------------------------------------------

V71         WILLIAMS              BXS-123                                MPW1221  No component or labor requirements exist for job

V71         WILLIAMS              BXS-345                                MPW1221  No component or labor requirements exist for job

V71         WILLIAMS              BXSS                                   MPW1221  No component or labor requirements exist for job

V71         WILLIAMS              BXS1                                   MPW1221  No component or labor requirements exist for job

V71         WILLIAMS              BOLJOB                                 MPW1221  No component or labor requirements exist for job

V71         WILLIAMS              JOB FOR SO 3312                        MPW1221  No component or labor requirements exist for job

V71         WILLIAMS              JOBETT1                                MPW1221  No component or labor requirements exist for job

V71         WILLIAMS              JOBETT2                                MPW1221  No component or labor requirements exist for job

V71         WILLIAMS              JOBRP1                                 MPW1221  No component or labor requirements exist for job

V71         WILLIAMS              JOB123                                 MPW1221  No component or labor requirements exist for job

V71         WILLIAMS              JOB1234                                MPW1221  No component or labor requirements exist for job

V71         WILLIAMS              JOB282                                 MPW1221  No component or labor requirements exist for job

                                                       ** END OF REPORT **


The Job Cost Generation Exception Report lists any exceptions that occurred during job cost generation processing.  These errors warn the user that costing data may be incomplete for one or more jobs.  The report lists both the type of generation request and the error that occurred.

Report Sequence
