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Inventory Valuation Report - Job, Group, and Common

JA530A, JA530B, JA530C


Inventory Valuation Report - Job (JA530A)



DATE    9/01/92                               ANDERSEN SOFTWARE                                                          PAGE      1

TIME   13:12:48                               JOB-CONTROLLED INVENTORY VALUATION                     REQUESTOR  WILLIAMS

REPORT JA530A                                                                                        CURRENCY   BEF



JOB       TRIAL8           TRIAL RUN 8 (6/14/92)               PROJECT MANAGER  TLT       TERRY TEMPLO                   STATUS   O

CUSTOMER                                                       JOB GROUP        GRPTLT01  TRIAL JOB GROUPS

        PART NUMBER          PART DESCRIPTION        UM    CO/WHS      QUANTITY            UNIT COST               TOTAL

      ---------------    -------------------------   --    ------   ---------------   ------------------    ------------------

      T-JOBCFG0          JOB CTL CFG OPT 0           EA    001 BEL          18.000             .0000000                   .00

      T-JOBCFG2          JOB CTL CFG OPT 2           EA    001 BEL          21.000           29.8000000                625.80

      T-JOBCFG4          JOB CTL CFG OPT 4           EA    001 BEL

        Cfg Code T-JOBCFG4      PARENT?NSTNDRD TEST     1TRIAL8              4.000           14.6000000                 58.40

        Cfg Code T-JOBCFG4      PARENT?NSTNDRD TEST     2TRIAL8             15.000           29.8000000                447.00

        Cfg Code T-JOBCFG4      PARENT?NSTNDRD TEST     3TRIAL8              2.000        1,132.2188450              2,264.44


           TOTAL INVENTORY FOR CO/WHS                      001 BEL                                                   3,395.64


      T-JOBCFG0          JOB CTL CFG OPT 0           EA    002 USA           5.000        1,132.2188450              5,661.09

      T-JOBCFG2          JOB CTL CFG OPT 2           EA    002 USA           4.000        1,132.2188450              4,528.88

      T-JOBCFG4          JOB CTL CFG OPT 4           EA    002 USA

        Cfg Code T-JOBCFG4      PARENT?NSTNDRD TEST     3TRIAL8              4.000        1,132.2188450              4,528.88


           TOTAL INVENTORY FOR CO/WHS                      002 USA                                                  14,718.85



           TOTAL JOB INVENTORY                                                                                      18,114.49



Inventory Valuation Report - Group (JA530B)


DATE    9/01/92                               ANDERSEN SOFTWARE                                                          PAGE      2

TIME   13:12:48                               JOB-CONTROLLED INVENTORY VALUATION                     REQUESTOR  WILLIAMS

REPORT JA530B                                                                                        CURRENCY   BEF



                                                               PROJECT MANAGER  TLT       TERRY TEMPLO

                                                               JOB GROUP        GRPTLT01  TRIAL JOB GROUPS

        PART NUMBER          PART DESCRIPTION        UM    CO/WHS      QUANTITY            UNIT COST               TOTAL

      ---------------    -------------------------   --    ------   ---------------   ------------------    ------------------


        Cfg Code MULTIPLE TYPE:CAROUSEL TYPE                                75.000          118.0000000              8,850.00

      T-JOBCFG0          JOB CTL CFG OPT 0           EA    001 BEL          30.000             .0000000                   .00

      T-JOBCFG2          JOB CTL CFG OPT 2           EA    001 BEL          28.000           29.8000000                834.40

      T-JOBCFG4          JOB CTL CFG OPT 4           EA    001 BEL

        Cfg Code T-JOBCFG4      PARENT?NSTNDRD TEST     2TRIAL8             28.000           29.8000000                834.40


           TOTAL INVENTORY FOR CO/WHS                      001 BEL                                                  10,518.80


      T-JOBCFG0          JOB CTL CFG OPT 0           EA    002 USA           1.000        1,132.2188450              1,132.22

      T-JOBCFG2          JOB CTL CFG OPT 2           EA    002 USA           1.000        1,132.2188450              1,132.22

      T-JOBCFG4          JOB CTL CFG OPT 4           EA    002 USA

        Cfg Code T-JOBCFG4      PARENT?NSTNDRD TEST     3TRIAL8              1.000        1,132.2188450              1,132.22


           TOTAL INVENTORY FOR CO/WHS                      002 USA                                                   3,396.66



           TOTAL GROUP INVENTORY                                                                                    13,915.46


                                                        ** END OF REPORT **


Inventory Valuation Report - Common (JA530C)



DATE    2/03/92                               PENNSKY MANUFACTURING COMPANY                                              PAGE      1

TIME   20:05:32                               JOB-CONTROLLED INVENTORY VALUATION                     REQUESTOR       WILLIAMS

REPORT JA530C                                                                                        CURRENCY   USD



         PART NUMBER         PART DESCRIPTION        UM    CO/WHS      QUANTITY            UNIT COST               TOTAL

       ---------------   -------------------------   --    ------   ---------------   ------------------    ------------------


           TOTAL INVENTORY FOR CO/WHS                      002 D02                                                        .00


       HYDROBOAT         HYDRO-BOAT                  EA    002 D03          36.000        7,509.2222000            270,332.00

       HYDROLOT          LOT CONTROL TEST PART       EA    002 D03           2.000             .0000000                   .00

       HYDROTANK         HYDRO-TANK                  EA    002 D03           1.000-         200.0000000                200.00-

       JCPARENT1         JOB-CTL PARENT ONE          EA    002 D03            .000          602.2222000                   .00



       HYDROBOAT         HYDRO-BOAT                  EA    002 M03           1.000        7,509.2222000              7,509.22

       HYDROTANK         HYDRO-TANK                  EA    002 M03           2.000-         200.0000000                400.00-

       JCCOMPREQ         JOB-CTL COMPONENT - REQ     EA    002 M03           1.500-          16.0000000                 24.00-

       JCCOMPSIR         JOB-CTL COMPONENT - SIR     EA    002 M03           1.000-          25.0000000                 25.00-

       JCPARENT1         JOB-CTL PARENT ONE          EA    002 M03            .000          602.2222000                   .00


           TOTAL INVENTORY FOR CO/WHS                      002 M03                                                   7,060.22



The Inventory Valuation Report lists quantities and costs of job-controlled inventory associated with the job(s) requested.  The following information is printed, depending on the type of report request:

Single Job Requests.  All job-controlled inventory (job and/or group) associated with the requested job is reported.  If job inventory exists, the Job Inventory Report (JA530A) is printed.  If the job is associated with a group and group inventory exists, the Group Inventory Report (JA530B) is printed.

All Jobs for a Project Manager Requests.  All job-controlled inventory (job and/or group) relevant to the requested project manager is reported.  The Job Master File is read to retrieve relevant jobs for the project manager.  If these jobs have existing inventory, the Job Inventory Report (JA530A) is printed.  Reference File category D47, Job Group Codes, is read to retrieve relevant groups for the project manager.  If these groups have existing inventory, the Group Inventory Report (JA530B) is printed.

All Jobs for a Job Group Requests.  All job-controlled inventory (job and/or group) relevant to the requested group is reported.  If jobs associated with the group have existing inventory, the Job Inventory Report (JA530A) is printed.  The Group Inventory Report (JA530B) is also printed (if group inventory exists).

All Jobs Requests.  All job-controlled inventory (job, group, and/or common) is reported.  The Job Inventory Report (JA530A) is printed for all job inventory.  The Group Inventory Report (JA530B) is printed for all group inventory.  The Common Inventory Report (JA530C) is printed for job-controlled inventory that does not belong to a job or group.

Report Sequence

Project Manager, Job Group, Job Number, Company/Warehouse/Part Number.